The Power Billionaire: The Complete Series (BBW Erotic Romance Trilogy)
Maybe he lost his phone, had to get a new one, and lost my information in the process.”
    This was a frighteningly real possibility. How could he get in touch with me if he didn’t have my number anymore? I was about to call his office in New York to tell his assistant where I was and how Grayson could reach me when my grandmother gave me the evil eye.
    “Don’t be acting stupid on me, Merrin. I ever told you about Mrs. Heptinstall who lives on the third floor? Small woman, big hair, very unfortunate. She looks like one of them cadavers on CSI , you know, when they show them after the autopsy. Same skin tone.”
    “What about her, Grandma?” I asked as I joined her at the counter.
    “Mrs. Heptinstall, she used to have a man. Paraded him everywhere like some award-winning schnauzer. Mostly she kept him on a leash, had all of them activities planned out. They went on dates all the time. The mixer at the VFW, strip bingo –“
    “Strip bingo?”
    “I hear it’s all the rage what with all them hippies being senior citizens nowadays. Marshall Stefkovich keeps bugging me to go. I’m still thinking it over.”
    “Grandma, please. I don’t need to know about these things.”
    I was about to retch as I pictured a room full of wrinkly old people getting naked in front of their bingo cards.
    “I’m trying to lose a few pounds before committing to the idea. Might be swell to see Herb Blaskey in the buff. He used to be a fireman, you know. Forty years ago. Anyway, Mrs. Heptinstall kept calling her man all the time. She called him before breakfast, she called him after breakfast, at night, on weekends. After a while he stopped picking up.”
    “I’m assuming you have a big shiny point, Grandma?”
    “He had another woman,” she said, glancing at me like this was the most profound secret ever shared.
    “So what are you saying? You think Grayson has already forgotten about me and that he has another woman in his life? Already?”
    “Sometimes Merrin, it’s better to be prepared for bad news, all I’m saying.”
    She put her leftovers in the fridge, turned to me with a surprisingly sweet and understanding smile, and gave me a quick hug. I kissed the top of her head and watched her disappear into the living room where she was no doubt in a hurry to catch up on her shows.
    At the same time, I couldn’t shake her words. Could Grayson have another woman in his life? My heart was screaming that it was impossible, not after all we’d been through in the last few weeks. And yet, I couldn’t dismiss the idea on an intellectual level. Grayson Holmes was one of the wealthiest men in the world. He was handsome, popular, smart, and extremely powerful. How could he be satisfied with someone like me? I was nothing but a chubby secretary.
    We had met on a plane and our attraction had been almost instantaneous. His commanding voice had done me in. I’d had no choice but to follow his prompts, his devious orders which had led us to masturbate each other right there in public. It had been impossible to resist him.
    I was certain I’d never see him again once we landed but he invited me to a glamorous party at his family estate in Palm Beach. He bought me designer clothes and the kind of jewelry that could refinance an entire neighborhood. How could I not fall for him? How could I not let him take me on the pool table in that fancy library?
    Again, I was expecting this to the end of it. Be grateful for the good moments, the small blessings, that was my motto. But no, there was more. He had business in Thailand and begged me to come with him. Grandma Edna said she would strike me from her will if I didn’t go. I was spending time with her in Boca Raton while she recuperated from her gallbladder surgery so I felt a little guilty about it. When I still wasn’t sure, she winked at me and gave me some birth control pills. I didn’t even want to contemplate what she was doing with those.
    We flew to Bangkok on Grayson’s private jet.

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