The Pledge
back to her. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell you where to put your hands.”
    “Are we still talking about balancing?” I grinned at her.
    “For now. Later you can tell me where to put my hands.” The corner of her mouth pulled up into a smile as she arched an eyebrow. Before I could respond, she pointed to the floor. “Lie down, arms up.”
    I did as I was told and Amanda moved so that she was standing over top of me, a foot on either side of my hip.
    “There you are. What the fuck happened to you? I thought you were coming to the trampoline room?” Caz glared down at me.
    “I got sidetracked.” I grinned up at him, and Amanda leaned over, putting her shoulders into my outstretched hands before gripping my elbows.
    “I’m teaching him how to do an arm-to-arm,” Amanda said. She pressed her body into a tuck before extending her legs straight into the air. Her body snapped into the pose with ease, and I was surprised at how easy it was to balance her.
    “More like giving him a free show,” Caz muttered. “That sports bra is begging for a wardrobe malfunction.”
    Instead of being offended, Amanda giggled as she came out of the pose. She straddled my hips as she stood above me—all soft curves and tight muscles.
    “Coach wants you over at beam,” he told her, nodding toward the area where all the different apparatus were set up. “I’m stealing Alec.”
    Amanda rolled her eyes at Caz before turning her attention to me and lifting her mouth into a smile. “Next time I’ll teach you a hand-to-hand.”
    I laughed and shook my head at her assumption that my return was a foregone conclusion.
    “Come on, let me show you how to vault.” Caz waved his hand for me to follow him. “I want to watch you crash and burn.”
    “What makes you think I’ll crash?” I got up, and we walked toward the area where people were using mini trampolines to flip over a wooden box. I swallowed past the apprehension lodged in my throat. Nervous energy flowed through me. I stretched my fingers and shook out my hands as we stood in line waiting our turn.
    “You’re getting pretty friendly with Amanda.” Caz stood with his hands on his hips, but he didn’t meet my eyes.
    “Are you calling Bro Code on her?” I didn’t steal other guys’ girls if that’s what he was worried about. Besides, he was the one who told me she’d be here.
    Caz whipped around. His lip curled in disgust and his eyebrows pinched low. “Fuck no. If you want Amanda, she’s all yours, dude.” He stepped forward as the line moved. “Just don’t be surprised if you see her hanging all over someone else later on. That’s just how she is.”
    “Noted.” I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend. I had too much going on with training and classes as it was. If Amanda wanted no-strings-attached fun, I was the right guy for the job.
    “So, have you ever flipped before?” Caz asked, abandoning the topic of Amanda.
    I shrugged. “Off a diving board.” Only two people waited in front of us. I rolled my shoulders, excitement racing through me as we got closer. I felt like I was about to run into a burning building to rescue a baby or something.
    “Okay. Let’s start small.” Caz pointed toward the trampoline and box. “Run hard, jump on the mini tramp, and just try to clear the box. No rotation. Get used to the flight before you start flipping.”
    I nodded, bouncing on my toes as the girl in front of me took off in a run. When she landed safely on the other side of the vaulting box, Caz pushed me forward. I ran toward the trampoline, my heart thudding with each step. When I hit the small round bed and my body shot into the air and over the box, adrenaline surged through my chest, lighting my entire body on fire. In that moment, right before my feet landed back on the mat, I knew it was too late. The Acroletes had gotten under my skin. I was addicted.

Chapter Five
    “I’m sorry.” Julie stood in front of my closet, holding a plaid tunic that was

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