so she didn’t have to work. I was at a loss for words when she said that. She had made a major life decision based on what she assumed.” Kingston explained while looking out into the beautiful scenery.
“What?” Sinclair asked in shock.
“She didn’t even talk to me about it before she quit, she just did it. God revealed to me who she really was when she did that. She was a woman out for herself and that was it. I felt bad that she gave up her job, but I couldn’t be in a relationship where there was no communication. I believe relationships are built on communication, trust and most importantly, honesty.” Kingston explained while staring at Sinclair.
“Well our stories are similar in that same sense except mine was reversed.” Sinclair began to tell Kingston.
Confused Kingston asked. “What do you mean?”
“ After my ex lost his job he didn’t want to work anymore, he wanted me to work and to take care of him. He actually wanted me to close my agency and move in with him in Baltimore because he thought I would make more money there. I told him I wasn’t closing my business, period.” Sinclair turned to look back at the open water, when Kingston came closer to her. “That’s just nuts.” Kingston thought the guy was totally selfish.
“He gave me an ultimatum, him or my business. I c hanged my number and never looked back. I don’t believe anyone should ask another person to give up their dreams. To me that only means they are not for you but for themselves. And I couldn’t and would not be a part of something like that.” Sinclair explained as Kingston leaned very close to her.
“I could not agree with you more Miss Madison.” Kingston said as he held out his arm and Sinclair slipped her arm through. “No one should ever ask anyone to give up their dreams just to please themselves. Ships are vessels that take more than one person to make it run correctly. Any relationship or friendship requires the same thing. It’s about helping each other reach their highest potential. Not watch them wither away while you sit on top and not help them.”
“Very true,” Sinclair agreed.
“Now I have been addicted to Fig Newton’s since I was a kid,” Kingston confessed.
“What ! Confessions on the first date?” Sinclair joked.
They both shared a nice laugh. “Yes, but it’s a good addiction. If you take away my Fig Newton’s while you sit and enjoy your white chocolate that would be totally selfish of you. Not to mention I might go into shock,” Kingston added with a chuckle. “If you gave me my Newton’s and you had your white chocolate we would both be happy.
“Cute , but it’s very true. It’s about helping each other and not helping one’s self.” Sinclair said while staring at a duck playing in the lake.
Something had been bothering Kingston all night long and he just had to say something . “I need to ask you something.”
“Sure go ahead,” Sinclair simply replied.
“You really can’t cook can you?” he was so baffled he just had to make sure she was serious. “I think I found more dishes than I found food. I knew you said you couldn’t cook but I didn’t think you were serious.” Kingston and Sinclair just started laughing.
“I was not joking at all, I really can’t cook. Now I can do a lot of things, but cooking is not one of them. I can change a tire, I can do yard work and I can even paint, but I just cannot cook.” Sinclair explained to a confused Kingston.
“Wow. Okay. But we have to do something about that because I like to eat.” Kingston said as they began walking back through the park to his car.
“Oh really? Or is that your way of asking me out on another date?” Sinclair asked curiously.
Kingston boldly responded, “This is my way of asking you out on another date.” Kingston kissed the back of Sinclair’s hand. “Would you do me the honor of going out on
J. S. Cooper, Helen Cooper