The Office Slave #2: The Boss
    "Well, my fantasy came true. I think you
deserve the same." Becca grinned again. "Just make sure you call me
later and let me know how it went." She shook her head. "Four guys.
Leave it to you, Sylvia." With that she turned and headed to her
car which was parked a few spaces down. She got in, then waved as
she pulled into the morning traffic.
    Sylvia walked to the entrance and opened the
glass door, then crossed the lobby, her high heels clicking on the
marble floor. She glanced at the directory near the elevators, then
walked down the hall to the end and stopped at Suite 105. A sign
said to ring the bell, which she did. Becca had told her that these
four men ran a software business, programming games. This office
was where they developed the games. Also, Becca had told her the
guys were extremely good-looking. All but one of the men used to
work with Cal as strippers before they graduated from college and
started this business, so she didn't doubt it.
    The door opened and she gazed up at a totally
hot hunk wearing a suit, his long, black hair tied back. He had
startling blue eyes that twinkled when he smiled at her.
    "Are you Sylvia?"
    She nodded.
    He pulled the door open. "Please come
    She stepped into the office. There was a
large table in the center of an open space with a big window
overlooking the city below and several doors to offices along the
wall behind it. There was a hallway off to the side. The space had
a lot of character, with red brick walls and a curved arch around
the window.
    "I'm Mike Bairn. Come on into my office."
    She followed him across the central area to
the leftmost office. One man was working in the far right office,
but he didn't glance up.
    "Am I early?" she asked as she sat down in
the chair across from his desk.
    "No, not at all. The others will meet us in
the conference room in a few minutes."
    She nodded, starting to feel a little
nervous. Would her fantasy begin in the conference room? Would they
order her to take off all her clothes, then… other things. She'd
been looking forward to this fantasy for over a week—ever since
Becca had told her she wanted to set it up, and that it would be
acted out by some of Cal's ex-stripper friends—but now that the
reality was here, she had a case of nerves.
    This man Mike was extremely masculine, and
sexy, and he set her hormones humming, but could she really just
strip down and become his sex toy. Along his three partners,
    Don't freak out now. This is your
    Mike leaned forward, his hands folded on his
desk. "So Cal told us what you were looking for. As I understand
it, your brother cheated us out of a sizeable amount of money and
you agree to be our sex slave in return for not prosecuting
    Sylvia felt her cheeks heat as she nodded. In
her head, especially after reading that book, it seemed extremely
sexy, but laid out blatantly like that made her feel brash and…
well, maybe a little slutty. And… maybe she was being… uh…brash.
But both Becca and Jan had lived out their fantasies, and both were
pretty wild. Why shouldn't she?
    And when she'd become enamored of the
fantasy, she'd never, ever dreamed she'd live it out. What
woman did? But now that she had the opportunity, she really didn't
want to walk away.
    "So, don't get me wrong, I find the whole
thing wildly sexy, but…"—he shrugged—"we sound a bit mean,
prosecuting your brother." At his grin and the twinkle in his eye,
she knew he wasn't making fun of her, but he was teasing
    "Well, he did do you wrong."
    "True. But then we're distracted by a
beautiful woman."
    Her cheeks burned hotter at his compliment.
"Well, a woman offering sex, anyway."
    He chuckled and stood up. "Okay, I think
we're ready to proceed. The others know the story and are ready to
go and we all know the safe word is Tiger. The minute we step out
of this office, we're into our roles. Okay?"
    "Okay." Her stomach quivered as she stood
    They walked to the door together, but

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