Your Sleep Logs and Your Nap Plan 27
How many hours is your child awake between the fi rst nap
and the second nap? ________
How many hours should your child be awake between the last
nap of the day and bedtime? ________
How many hours is your child awake between the last nap of
the day and bedtime? ________
How many total hours of sleep should your child be
getting? ________
How many total hours of sleep is your child getting
now? ________
How do the suggested hours of sleep on the chart compare to
your child’s actual hours of sleep?
Gets _____ hours too little daytime sleep
Gets _____ hours too much daytime sleep
Gets _____ hours too little nighttime sleep
Gets _____ hours too much nighttime sleep
Is your child frequently awake for too long between sleep
periods? ______
Create a Nap Plan
Throughout this book you’ll fi nd a multitude of ideas that are
subject-specifi c so you can choose those that suit your situation,
your personality, and your family. Writing down your plan will
consolidate all your ideas in one place for easy reference and will
help you to remember the things you are going to do.
Even if you begin by making a few subtle changes, you may see
improvement in your child’s napping, so go ahead and begin using
any ideas that make sense to you along the way, even before you
settle on an exact plan. The sooner you get started, the better!
As you work though your plan, try to stay relaxed about it, but
be consistent. Do give each idea enough time to have an impact—
at least two or three weeks. A day or two isn’t enough time to
judge an idea’s value. This is not a quick-fi x plan, but it is a plan
28 Nap Magic
that will enable you to help your child become a healthy napper.
After all, it has taken longer than a day or two to get where you
are now, and habits take some time to change, not to mention
that biology and maturity are part of the picture as well. Keep in
mind that parenting isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon, and you’ve only
just begun, so there’s no reason to rush yourself or your child.
You can copy and fi ll in the following pages or visit my website,, f or PDF fi les to print.
Plan Worksheet
In advance of making a plan, it may help to think about, and write
down, what things are most important to you, what you hope to
gain from a nap plan, and what your specifi c goals are.
The things that are most frustrating or disruptive to us now are:
What we hope to achieve from a nap plan is:
Create Your Sleep Logs and Your Nap Plan 29
Our Nap Plan
We will begin our nap plan for ___________________________________
on ________________
Goals for our Daily Schedule (Wake Up, Eat, Sleep)