The Night the Sky Fell

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Book: Read The Night the Sky Fell for Free Online
Authors: Stephen Levy
new look in the mirror. He wondered if he should remove the necklace. As he began to take it off, he interrupted its removal and decided to leave it on. He opened the Bible while fondling the necklace. Unseen by Banks, Chief Dan watched through Banks’ window.
    About an hour later, Banks was sound asleep and downstairs Marilyn said goodnight to the Chief. The compound was quiet. Suddenly, a barrage of pea-sized meteorites splattered against only Banks’ door. They made a whooshing sound and left green dripping ooze while each pea sized meteorite emitted a puff of gas. The sound awakened Banks. He wetted his lips and headed to the fridge. As he opened the fridge door, the meteorite strikes escalated. Amongst the eye drop vials, he grabbed a Coke and gulped it down. As he closed the fridge door, the bombardment dwindled. He eyed the main door attempting to apply logic to the event. After a moment, he opened the main door slowly and caught glimpses of the ooze and mists of gas. He closed the door. Returning to the fridge, he opened/closed the door several times noting the increase/decrease of the bombardment that followed this action. He thought that his experiment controlled the meteorite’s intensity. He was correct in his assumption.  

    Ann Abrams couldn’t sleep. She was thinking about the evening at the Powers’ house. She remembered the intense moment that Banks and she had. Her feelings were elevated when Banks gave his account of the “Night the Sky Fell.” At first he was reluctant to speak about it. Thanks to Peyton’s prodding, he revealed the story with logic, passion and humor. This revelation led Ann to believe that Banks had hidden talents that he could not disclose with his tribe. She understood these frustrations. She wanted to know Banks more. This new feeling that bubbled in her body was fresh and exciting. Ann wasn’t thinking so much about the sex act as she was the sharing of intimacy. Finally, she found a plausible candidate in which she could be herself instead of creating an identity that was acceptable to her peers. She knew that she would have to take the lead. So after going through the possibilities of attempting to know Banks better, she concluded that she would ask him to be her date at the school’s Junior Prom. Now the Prom was months away, but this would open the door to Saturdays at the mall, lunches or maybe even a dinner. So that Banks would not feel uncomfortable about money, she planned on telling him that this was a birthday gift from her parents and all expenses were covered.
    Ann felt alive. She would have a new friend. She stood up in front of her full length mirror and revealed more of her body. She posed a sexy look that she learned from Tricia and then quickly scolded herself, “That’s not me!” She checked herself out again and poised her natural smile. Ann Abrams was becoming a woman. But what she didn’t realize was that her plans were all going to be altered by Sunday’s events. Someone or something had different designs for Ann Abrams.  

    Down the hall from Ann’s room, Murray Abrams picked up the remote and turned off the television. Dassi closed her book as the couple of two decades snuggled in their bed. This was not sex night so their goodnights would be finalized with a long kiss. During the kiss, Murray emitted a noisy and smelly fart. Dassi kept an air spray can near the bed for such matters and with a chuckle she deodorized the bed. “Moishe, this is what happens when you eat non-kosher food.” Murray replied with, “Once again, Dassi, mama knows best. Say, Ann was so aglow this evening. She was really taken with Banks.”  
      Dassi challenged, “I like the Tlingits.”  
      Murray smiled, “He’s a nice young man. I really don’t care if he’s a Native Alaskan as long as he makes Ann happy.”  
      Dassi smiled, “As always, father knows best.” They kissed again. This time it was uninterrupted.

    Next door, in the quiet of her room,

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