instructor celebrating with his student. I’m sure you have some predators affiliated with this university.” She
tilted her head and gave the dean a meaningful look. “Maybe someone quite
close. Do you have a skeleton in your closet Dean Meadows? Ah, probably not.
You don’t look like the type.”
I felt like I was gonna puke. My mother was on a roll and there was no stopping her. I wondered if
Claude had made her coffee Irish. Dean Meadow’s began turning an odd, putty
“Mrs. Walsh, I’m here to inform you today that this
issue has been brought to the attention of the disciplinary board. Jenna will
continue to be under suspension. She’ll have to make up any work missed until a
decision is met . I suggest she make good use of her
time while away from class.”
“What about the professor?” my mother asked.
“The two cases will be handled separately,” the dean
My mom was determined to get in the last word. I
braced for the worst as I curled my toes in anticipation of what would come out
of her mouth next.
“I don’t see the taxpayers liking how you’re
spending their money. This is a state run establishment, correct? My boyfriend
works for the local paper and this is just the sort of thing he likes writing
about—a university wasting money investigating a young woman for engaging in
the same activities your male athletes engage in all the time. I did not want
to be forced to do this, but I will be contacting my attorney.”
My mother walked out of the office and I followed
like a duckling. Before we departed, the secretary informed me that I could
return the next day to get the rest of my things. We soon arrived at the parking lot.
“Mom. Please tell me you aren’t drunk. Boyfriend? Claude
writes for the paper? Do you have an attorney? Oh god. I’m going to be
“I’m not drunk. Just a little
feisty. Claude brings out the animal in me.” My mother smiled.
“Just drive home. I don’t want to hear any more
about you and Claude.”
I looked at my phone to see Ryder was calling.
I answered and instantly asked, “Hey do you know
anyone working down at the burger joint? Cause I don’t
stand a chance being reinstated.”
“Tough day? Tomorrow is my challenging day. I will call you after I go to the doctor. I’m a
little stressed, otherwise I would invite you over,” Ryder said. You can fill
me on your meeting with Mean Dean tomorrow, okay? Jenna?”
“No more smashing windows to get my attention. Just
give me a call.”
“Noted. Sleep well.”
“Not likely without you...”
I was determined to sleep through the night. I was already officially suspended, so I couldn’t do much
until I heard back from Dean Meadows and Ryder was unavailable as he was going
to his doctor’s appointment.
I wasn’t meeting Max at Leach Hall until 10 AM.
There was a great deal going on in my life, but nothing I could do about any of
it. It was the calm before the storm. Unsure whether it would be a gentle rain
or a destructive hurricane, I closed my eyes and debated if I should grab my
umbrella or board up the windows.
My decision to sleep in was overridden by the blare of my alarm. I had it set for
an early morning class, back when I still had one to go to. It was set to Pharrell’s Happy .
I must have set it to that song on a good day. Perhaps it was the day after I
had sex with Ryder.
I decided to call Sayler and give her an update.
“Morning,” Sayler said.
‘What’s up?”
“I’m getting dressed for work, Jenna. Is everything
“Yeah. I just wanted to give you an update on what’s happening in my life,” I said.
“My day is full, but I have an hour before I have to
be in the office. I will meet you for a quick breakfast at the Bay Leaf.”
“I will be there in fifteen,” I said.
“See you there.”
Sayler sounded business-like. I felt a slight sting
knowing that everyone was moving on in life. I threw on