The Message in the Hollow Oak
“It’s time to act!”
    She and Art loped with light steps toward the dig. The man heard them and turned quickly. Nancy recognized him. Art beamed his flashlight on the figure.
    “Tom Wilson!” Nancy whispered.
    They ran toward the man to question him about why he had come there. But before they could reach him, Wilson took off like a frightened deer.
    “He’s not limping!” Nancy observed as she and Art pursued the fleeing figure. “We mustn’t lose him!” she exclaimed.
    Wilson was fleet-footed. He had gone straight up the road, but to the young people’s amazement had outdistanced them. When they lost sight of him, Nancy stopped and put her ear to the ground.
    “He’s still on the road,” she reported, catching up to Art.
    A few seconds later Nancy listened again. They were closer now! She and Art put on extra speed.
    “We’re catching up!” she gasped.
    They raced along the road like marathon runners.

    River Pirates
    WHILE Nancy and Art were running after the fleeting figure, Todd Smith came to the farmhouse to relieve Art. He looked all around for his friend and finally decided he had better report his absence to Theresa Bancroft.
    As he reached the door, Julie Anne rushed out. She almost bumped into him.
    “Nancy’s not in her bed!” she exclaimed.
    Todd looked puzzled. “I was just coming to report that Art’s missing. I’m sure he wouldn’t have left the farmhouse unguarded. Something strange must have happened, Julie Anne!”
    “They’re probably together,” she said. “I hope they’re not in danger! Let’s look for them.”
    Both Julie Anne and Todd had flashlights. They began walking around the grounds and finally came to the dig.
    “Look!” Julie Anne exclaimed. “Someone put a ladder into the pit.”
    The two flashlights did not reveal anyone in the excavation. The searchers were more puzzled than ever.
    “What could have happened?” Julie Anne asked.
    “Listen! I hear people talking,” Todd said. They moved toward the sound and in a few minutes saw two flashlights bobbing. Their own lights revealed Nancy and Art.
    “What’s going on?” Todd demanded.
    “Did you see the ladder?” Art queried.
    “Yes. Whose is it?”
    Nancy and Art related what they had seen and their chase after Tom Wilson. “We had almost caught up to him when he jumped into a car and rode off,” Nancy explained.
    “But I thought Tom Wilson was lame,” Julie Anne remarked.
    “So did I,” Nancy replied. “That man’s a fake and I’m sure now he’s Kit Kadle in disguise.”
    Todd wondered what the intruder had planned to take out of the dig. No one could hazard a guess, since all the artifacts and fossils uncovered so far had been brought to the laboratory.
    “Have you any idea, Nancy?” Todd asked. She shook her head.
    By this time Art had pulled the ladder from the excavation. It was crudely made of narrow tree branches from an oak.
    Nancy suggested that the whole affair should be reported to the State Police in the morning, and offered to do it for Theresa. She asked Art if he would take her into town directly after breakfast to phone headquarters.
    “Glad to,” he replied. “Good night.”
    Nancy and Julie Anne went back to bed and slept soundly until Theresa rang the rising bell. When the other diggers learned about the night’s adventure, they were alarmed. Theresa tried to calm their fears, but she herself was concerned. Why was her expedition being bothered?
    Nancy was sure she could read the woman’s thoughts. Going up to her, she said quietly, “You weren’t having any trouble here until I arrived. My mystery must be the cause of it. I can’t figure out how the hollow oak I’m looking for and your dig are connected but there must be some tie-in. I’m sure Kit Kadle is trying to discourage my sleuthing. It would be better if I leave. Then no one will be in danger.”
    Theresa put an arm around Nancy’s shoulders. “You’re going to stay,” she said firmly.

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