The Look of Love

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Book: Read The Look of Love for Free Online
Authors: Mary Jane Clark
prepare for the wedding. He would always remember that Irene loved Jillian as if she were her own daughter. That would strengthen Irene’s own bond with him.

Chapter 12
    T he treatment room was sparkling clean and outfitted with sterilized equipment and instruments. Shelves of glass-fronted cabinets on the walls held bottles and jars of various serums, lotions, and tonics designed to correct a wide range of skin conditions, improve appearance, and turn back the hands of time. Chemical peels to reduce fine lines and age spots, depilatory wax to remove unwanted facial hair, serums to cleanse pores and improve skin tone.
    Wearing his immaculate lab coat, Kyle Quigley was organizing the gauze, cream, and utensils needed for his next appointment when Esperanza arrived.
    “You’re early today.” He smiled as he glanced at the clock on the wall.
    “Is it all right?” asked Esperanza.
    “Actually, it works out well,” said Kyle. “We’ll have a little extra time together.”
    He could read the pleasure in Esperanza’s eyes. Kyle knew she had a thing for him, and he didn’t see any harm in playing along. It wasn’t uncommon for the women and men who came to him for treatment to grow emotionally attached. As they lay on the treatment table, they were so vulnerable. He took care of them and paid attention to them in very personal ways as he spoke to them soothingly and his fingers caressed their skin. They felt he was on their side, helping them and committed to their health and well-being. They responded to that, often confiding in him. More than one had wanted to have a relationship outside the treatment room and off Elysium’s grounds.
    Of course, Esperanza had been disfigured, but even if she hadn’t been, she wasn’t the kind of woman he found attractive. Kyle watched as she climbed onto the table, lay back, and comfortably settled herself. He took off her mask gently. He was careful not to show any emotion as he looked at her face. If Esperanza were to detect any distaste in his expression, she would be traumatized. Poor thing. When she returned to the real world, she was going to suffer horribly at the revulsion in people’s eyes when they saw her.
    He adjusted the magnifying glass and inspected the dreadfully damaged skin.
    “You continue to heal nicely, Esperanza.”
    “Really?” There was hope in her voice. “I don’t look in the mirror.”
    That’s probably just as well, thought Kyle. But sooner or later you’re going to have to see yourself. And when you look in that mirror, you’re going to be crushed.
    As Kyle put on the peach-colored latex gloves, he didn’t notice Esperanza’s expression change.
    He painstakingly applied the cream designed to prevent and reduce scars as Esperanza’s eyes searched his face. Kyle was careful to make sure that his own expression remained benign, betraying no reaction to what remained of Esperanza’s skin. That was the professional thing to do.
    He had trained long and hard to become a paramedical aesthetician. Not only could he do cosmetic treatments at Elysium, he could work with dermatologists and plastic surgeons. His ministrations prepared the skin for surgery and a more comfortable healing process. He could offer services that would normally be available only through a medical doctor. Dr. Abernathy trusted him and relied on him. Kyle was exceedingly proud of that.
    “Okay,” he said, stepping away from the table and pulling off his gloves. “All done.”
    Esperanza sat up. “Dr. Abernathy tells me I can leave here in a few days,” she said, staring down at her lap. “I don’t want to go. I like it here. Everyone takes such good care of me.” She looked up at Kyle. “ You take such good care of me.”
    Here we go, thought Kyle. Say something reassuring, but don’t lead her on, don’t hurt her.
    “It’s wonderful that Dr. Abernathy thinks you’ve healed enough to go home, Esperanza. And

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