The Link That Binds
gonna stuff him in a cage.”
    “Why not?” Solomon asked. “Turnabout is fair play, Jace, and frankly, anything is better than seeing you waste your life away moping.”
    “I’m not moping,” Jace muttered with a pout… it wasn’t really denial… he’d simply been contemplating the evil of man and it depressed him somewhat.
    “Yes, you are,” his Sorena said with a stern voice. “And you know as well as me that this isn’t why I brought you with me when I left home.”
    Jace winced, he was well aware of the sacrifices Solomon had to make when he brought him along when he left for the states to start a new life and to form a new pride.
    As a snow leopard, Jace wasn’t exactly considered an equal amongst the mighty tigers of the Dramadium court. Not with his more slender, weaker build.
    Solomon was of the rarest kind of felines there was, as the only male white tiger of the court in over five hundred years. Being a prince of the court, they expected him to rise to the occasion and be their great leader, but Jace, as a snow leopard, was, even with his medical degree and snow-colored fur, barely considered worthy to be used as a doormat. Though they actually did use him as a doormat, literally, on a few occasions.
    Still, when Jace stumbled over Sol’s not so little secret, one that they both shared, they became fast friends. Sol was gay, which was a very non-prince-like quality of his and Jace had on occasions found himself in the white tiger’s bed, though they had never become more than friends during the years… friends in need of a little something-something every once in a while.
    Solomon coming out to his parents had been a horrid ordeal for both Solomon and Jace. To Solomon, because he was a prince and immediately ordered to be married to a fertile female and for Jace, because he apparently was the one to blame for turning the prince into a damn fairy as they called him. Not that anything about the Sorena could be called fairy-like… sure, the man had the humor of a damn pixie, but still…
    The two of them had been through a lot together and as Jace faced the death sentence, Solomon finally decided he’d had enough.
    Making an arrangement with a dear friend of his grandfather, who just happened to be the leader of the council who controlled most of the northern hemisphere’s pride and pack business, they were allowed passage to the States.
    Solomon was still a leader at heart and a prince in his own right. Not even his parents could deny him that, no matter how much they wanted to, so he gladly accepted the Council’s offer for him to become Sorena of his own pride, with members of his own choosing.
    “Still, I won’t kidnap him… even for you that’s a stupid suggestion,” Jace muttered.
    “You’re still going to have to talk to him and soon. You with your fancy medical degree should know all about what happens when you go into heat without the assistance of your mate to take the edge off.”
    Jace twisted uncomfortably as he thought of the few instances where he’d actually had to sedate shifters when their mates were separated from them while they went into heat. The pain the needing caused.
    Jace frowned when Sol went over to his wardrobe and started pulling out clothes, “Sol? What exactly are you doing? Those won’t fit you.”
    Sol threw him a black shirt and a pair of dark jeans. “I’m kicking you out of the house and thought it might be perceived as an act of cruelty if I did so when you’re practically in the nude.”
    Jace’s jaw dropped. “You’re kicking me out? Why?”
    Sol chuckled, “Relax, it’s only for the day. You can come back after you’ve talked to Link.”
    Gritting his teeth, Jace reluctantly pulled on the pair of pants. “And if Mika’s there? Or what if some other vampires finds out I’m paying him friendly little visits after what I’ve been through? Did you even think of that?” he hissed at his Sorena.
    “Jace,” Sol sighed, “you have to do

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