The Left Series (Book 2): Left Alone

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Book: Read The Left Series (Book 2): Left Alone for Free Online
Authors: Christian Fletcher
Tags: Zombies
He stood with his foot on Long Hair’s chest.
    “Toss me a pack of smokes, will you?”
    I opened the carton and tossed a pack to Smith. I opened a packet myself and fished one out. Smith lit his up and I realized I’d lost my lighter too. I moved closer to Smith to light my cigarette.
    “What’s the plan?” I asked.
    I turned back to the shore to check how close the gathering crowd of zombies was and saw they were negotiating the bank down to the marina jetty.
    “We should get going, Smith. We’ll have to take another boat or something.”
    “Okay, soon. I’m still getting info from this prick.” He pushed down hard with his foot on Long Hair’s chest.
    Long Hair whined and tears welled in his eyes.
    “Better tell me what I want to know otherwise you’ll be zombie food.” Smith pointed to the shore.
    “I told you…we’re just a band of guys trying to stay alive,” Long Hair wailed.
    “Why did you rob us, kill our dogs and take one of us?” Smith screamed.
    “We saw you turn into the marina. We’ve got small base camps along the river,” Long Hair gabbled. His eyes flicked between the approaching zombies and Smith. “We took the guns, the money and the food because that’s what everyone needs, right? You’d have done the same, right?” Long Hair was trying to reason with us.
    “No, buddy. We wouldn’t have robbed you.” Smith shook his head. “There’s room left on this planet for everyone. It’s hard enough to stay alive with what you’ve got. But when some asshole robs you and takes everything you got, well…some kind of retribution is justified in my book.”
    “If you let me live, I’ll see if I can get some of your guns back,” Long Hair stammered.
    “I couldn’t give a rat’s fuck about the guns,” Smith laughed. “There are thousands of guns out there that you don’t have to pay for. We can always get more guns but we can’t get one of our crew back. Where have you taken her?”
    Long Hair was gasping for air and nearly hyperventilating. I was worried the zombies were getting too close for comfort. Roughly a dozen shuffled onto the wooden jetty, around thirty yards from our boat.
    “Talk, motherfucker! We don’t have much time,” Smith hissed and ground the toe of his boot into Long Hair’s knee wound.
    Long Hair wailed in pain. “Okay…well, everything has a saleable value, right? Women are no different. There’s a lack of young women still left alive and there’s a market for them.”
    “Forced prostitution,” Smith growled. “You really are a piece of shit. Now, for the last time, where is she?”
    “They probably took her up to Port Sulphur or Pointe a La Hache, further up the river.”
    “How many guys in your crew?”
    “I don’t know, man. People come and go. Twenty, maybe thirty?”
    I glanced nervously towards the staggering zombies, drawing ever closer.
    “Smith, we really ought to be going.”
    “Okay, let’s go,” he said.
    “What about him?” I asked, pointing to Long Hair.
    “Fuck him,” Smith growled.
    “Hey, you can’t just leave me here to die,” Long Hair wailed. “You have to help me. We’re all survivors, right? We have to stick together.”
    We turned and left Long Hair lying on the sinking boat deck. His wailing receded into the distance as we jogged along the jetty. We moved in the opposite direction to the approaching zombies and looped around back to the shore on the far side of the bay.
    “What now?” I asked.
    “We find another boat and try and get Batfish back.”
    I nodded but a shrill barking in the distance caused me to spin back the way we had come across the jetty. I knew it was Spot’s bark.
    “Spot! He’s still alive,” I shrieked.
    A few zombies clambered onboard our old, sinking boat and we heard Long Hair screaming and swearing as the undead closed in on him.
    “We should have just shot him,” I mumbled. “I’m going back to get Spot.”
    Smith nodded. “Come on then, tough guy,” he sighed.

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