The Last Praetorian

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Book: Read The Last Praetorian for Free Online
Authors: Mike Smith
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Romance, Fantasy
insisted.  Wondering why the deck chief seemed to be rooted to the spot, and
had not acknowledged his instructions, Jon followed his gaze across the bay to
the sight of the rapidly-approaching afore-mentioned Princess.  As the two
officers watched her approach, Jon had time to appreciate the much more
appropriate attire over the previous evening.  With her red hair pinned up,
with just a strand falling against her neck, which Jon suppressed the urge to
brush back, and a long flowing red gown that matched her hair she looked every
inch an Imperial Princess. 
    Upon reaching the duo she pinned the chief with her imposing
stare and demanded to know.  “Chief, why is my luggage not loaded, I’ve been
informed,” she huffed at the word, “that we will be departing imminently.” 
    Chief Reynolds looked towards Jon beseechingly and taking
pity on the deck chief, after all he was only following his orders responded.
    “Your luggage will be following you at a later date,” Jon
replied in the most patronising tone of voice that he could muster.  “Capacity
constraints, I’m afraid your highness,” Jon’s voice rang with sincerity that
was mocked by the gaping cargo hold that was open behind him that could easily
contain twice the cargo that Sofia had ordered loaded. 
    Her eyes narrowed in fury at the obvious barefaced lie from Jon
and was obviously about to let rip when a sly smirk came to her lips and
instead she replied, in a voice dripping with honey.  “Well I leave these sort
of considerations to fleet personnel, as I am sure that you will have no
objection to me being undressed during the trip… Commander.” She breathed
softly against Jon’s cheek as she glided past.  Picking up a smaller case from
the top of the pile she turned to the two speechless officers and explained.  
“My face-paints, after all if I am not going to have a thing to wear, a girl
needs to look her best.”  She offered both gentlemen a stunning smile, before
following the boarding ramp up into the shuttle. 
    It was only with her back to Jon that he saw that what he
originally thought was a very demure gown possessed no back, with bare skin
showing from her neck, though miles of expansive back ending just above her
    Once she disappeared into the ‘ Light both men let out
an audible gulp. 
    The chief was well connected with the fleet scuttlebutt and
like most had heard the rumours whirling around about Commander Radec and the
Emperor’s daughter, and like most had dismissed than as fantasy, but well… you
could power a reactor with the sort of sparks that those two were emitting.  He
cleared his throat again – which suddenly felt very dry.
    “Not a word Patrick,” Jon ordered, “not a word.” He then
followed the Princess into the Eternal Light to prepare the shuttle for
    With the shuttle pre-flight checks complete, Jon eased the Eternal
Light smoothly out of the flight deck into deep space.  Barely a few
kilometres from the Imperial Star the 58 th Squadron fell into
an escort formation around the lone shuttle, as Jon laid in a course for the
nearest FTL jump point for Eden Prime.  With the course laid in, a
communication window superimposed on the cockpit display lit up to display the
face of Lieutenant Elizabeth Zhang; Jon’s second-in-command of the 58 th Squadron.
    “Morning Commander!” Elsie cheerfully exclaimed, “So I
understand that we have an extended babysitting duty for her
royal-highness-pain-in-the-ass?”  Jon frowned, glad that the Princess was back
in the VIP quarters and not in the cockpit to hear that less than flattering
    Elsie had always been one of the most vocal members of the
squadron in terms of disparaging remarks against Sofia and Jon knew for a fact
that she was not Sofia’s favourite either.  He had long been varying the
Praetorian’s schedule to ensure that the two of them were not alone together,
after having

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