The current governor of Michigan was in his second and final term, which was turning out to be much worse than his first term. Many people thought that could not be possible. However, when the Detroit Free Press ran a three-part exposé on the corruption that ran rampant throughout the governor’s administration, his popularity plummeted and his legal problems skyrocketed. At the same time the governor fought off charges of bribery and kickbacks, the Democratic Mayor of Detroit was on her way to jail on a number of counts of misconduct, including making salacious phone calls to a married staff member on the city payroll.
The people of Michigan had had it with the Democrats, so Clark set his eyes on the governorship. In 2008 he ran a brilliant campaign that captured the attention of the citizens of Michigan, as well as citizens nationwide. For years the media loved to blame all of Michigan’s woes on the last republican president. Clark showed Michigan that it was doing no good to continue to blame Washington for the state’s high unemployment. He put the blame squarely where it belonged, on the democratic governor and the state’s political leadership.
Clark’s campaign had totally redefined Michigan’s political landscape. He was swept into office with high approval in the 2008 election and immediately became the Republicans’ superstar. Within days of his election win, the RNC began plotting his run for president in 2012.
Chapter 6
President Bonsam was deeply absorbed in thoughts about his enemies as he sat alone in the White House Theater. His paranoia was becoming stronger every day. He quickly shook the thoughts from his mind and focused on his purpose for being in the theater in the first place.
Since he took office he had been coming here almost every day for one reason and one reason only, to view the projected image of a single PowerPoint slide. He picked up the remote and hit the power button, and within seconds a large image appeared on the theater’s screen. It was a photo of the ancient Maya calendar.
The first time Bonsam had seen a picture of the Maya calendar in a textbook, he felt a powerful spiritual attachment to it. He had felt drawn to it and had studied the symbols relentlessly ever since. He was certain there was a message for him within the symbols, a message foretelling what was to come.
A strange feeling came over Bonsam as he viewed the projection on the screen before him. It held him spellbound. During his frequent anger meltdowns, he had repeated visions of ancient carved symbols. He stared at the calendar hoping to find the connection between the symbols on the calendar and the symbols in his dreams. What am I missing?
When Bonsam was elected in 2008, his interest in discovering this mysterious message became an obsession. As soon as he took office he put his shadow agents on alert to report on anything they saw or heard involving ancient Maya artifacts. The agents recruited spies wherever Maya culture was being studied or archaeological digs were taking place.
He read the Maya Prophecies Report that his shadow agents provided first thing each morning. He read it even before the National Security Report. Unfortunately, the information in the reports had not changed much over the past several months; the Maya calendar was set to run out and ancient prophecies suggested that when it did, it would bring about the end of the world.
Bonsam continued to stare at the projection of the ancient calendar, desperately trying to unravel the mystery of the prophecy. He was certain that he was part of the prophecy, whatever it turned out to be. Bonsam knew that once he was reelected, the calendar’s prophetic event would take place during his watch. If something marvelous were to happen, it would be of his doing. If the world were to end, well then, it would end on his terms.
Chapter 7
The D.C. campaign headquarters of Senator Alexander Kirk was bustling with activity.
Frederik & Williamson Pohl
Emily Wu, Larry Engelmann