The King's Sons (The Herezoth Trilogy)

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Book: Read The King's Sons (The Herezoth Trilogy) for Free Online
Authors: Victoria Grefer
family, and even they
were constant reminders of how worthless she felt for lacking sorcery.
    “Don’t tell
your father I know. I beg you, all of you…. He can’t find out I saw you kill
that snake with magic. Vane can’t realize, or he’ll make me return to Triflag
Bay. That place smothers me. I can’t go back there, I….” Kansten peered into
Valkin’s lightly tinted, spectacle-covered eyes, because he sat at her side.
“You told no one I can’t do magic. I’ll tell no one you can, I mean that. The
knowledge will go to my grave. I have no misconceptions about how important….”
patted her arm. “We won’t tell Father that you know, don’t worry. Will we,
    “Of course
not,” said Hune. Neslan’s affirmation was more hesitant, but he gave it.
Kansten thanked him, her voice still hushed, and let out a relieved sigh. The
relief was only temporary, as her mind went back to why she waited in the
library in the first place. What further news did that soldier have for the
king? What was going on in Partsvale with that band of “magicked malcontents”?
Would Partsvale pull Vane from the capital? Might Kansten have to return to
Traigland after all?

* *

    In the
king’s antechamber, Vane listened as Rexson explained more about whom Petroc
had been. The duke had read about the man before but had found no reason in
years to think of him, while Gratton, Vane guessed, knew little about the deceased
    “Are you
familiar with the Librette Oscure ?”
Rexson asked his duke. “Perhaps from that journal your mother kept? The one I
gave you?”
spellbook,” Vane responded. “The Librette ’s
an old spellbook, known for dark magic.”
    “Your uncle
sought it while he ruled. We in the resistance found it first, and were
determined to keep it from him. Well, Petroc interfered. He’d been hiding at
the Hall of Sorcery in the mountains, so we didn’t expect he’d pose a problem,
but he stole the Librette from us.
When Zalski took it from him, he helped your mother, Kora, and me in our final
assault on the Palace. He died here, all to settle what he viewed as a debt. He
was a bit unhinged, to put it mildly.”
confirmed, “So’s his son, Evant Linstrom. Goes by his mother’s last name. I
don’t know if your Petroc ever knew about the boy, but he’s a sorcerer like his
father, and I’d daresay just as mad. Rexson, I have one magicked officer in my
Partsvale troops, and he’s sent his brother to infiltrate Linstrom’s plot.”
    “That’s a
start,” said the king.
    The soldier
continued, “Our plant can make objects explode. Says material’s no factor, only
size. I guess Linstrom’s thinking he can get rid of swords and weapons used
against his men, crossbows especially. The sorcerer trusts him.”
    Vane nodded.
Few with magic nowadays were born true sorcerers, though many, like this spy,
held vestiges of sorcery in their blood that manifested through some power or
other. The duke asked, “What’s the plant’s name?”
    Rexson furrowed
his brow. “Why do you ask?”
    “He’ll need
assistance, and I’ll give it. I’ll need to know whom to trust.”
    The king
protested, “You’re not joining this man.”
    “You need a
spy in Linstrom’s ranks with power beyond causing small explosions.”
    The king insisted,
“You’d be recognized. You’re known in Partsvale. You take your wife there on a
regular basis.”
    “I’ll change
my appearance. I’ve a spell for that. Rexson, I can join Linstrom’s movement
and transport back and forth to keep you in the know, as well as the Partsvale
authorities. It’s our only option.”
    Gratton told
the king, “He’s right. I’m no happier about him risking his neck than you are,
seeing my wife died to protect his family, but he’s right. Your Majesty, do you
think I want him involved in this?” Looking resigned, the soldier turned to the
Duke of Ingleton. “Our man’s Ryne Howar. He’s bald and

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