The Infected

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Book: Read The Infected for Free Online
Authors: Gregg Cocking
the garden, tripping over the small step which lead out of the unit, and headed to the left, back towards the pool area and his townhouse, if he still used it as a place to live. Man, that was a harrowing experience. I don’t know what to say... I didn’t learn too much about the infected that I didn’t already know, but at least I was able to confirm that they are seriously slow moving and they don’t give a shit about personal hygiene...
    Take care
    Sam W
    9:10am, May 9
    It’s now been five days since Lil phoned to tell me that she was back at Motswari. I have not heard from her since… I haven’t wanted to say anything on here, but shit, I am panicking. Okay, if I rationalise it, then it makes me feel better – she is in probably one of the least populated areas in South Africa where there are more hippos than humans, so the chance of the infected being there are slim. So why hasn’t she called? Or emailed? But then I think that tourists head up that way all the time, and although not in their thousands, whatever this thing is that has affected the infected, it just needs one of them to take a bus up there for it to spread... but she’s fine. I’m sure she is. I hope she is.
    12:21pm May 10
    It’s Mother’s Day today. Or should have been. I spoke to my Mom and she cried. “Please promise me that you will stay inside and keep safe,” she almost pleaded. I could hear her struggling to hold back more tears so I promised that I would. I don’t know how long I will be able to keep that promise though as I’ve done an inventory of what I have available to eat and drink in my home (it at least kept me busy for an hour or so) and I am getting worried that I will run out eventually and need to go in search of supplies.
    This is what I have:
    * 1 x 2 litre Fanta Grape
    * 7 x Coke Zero cans
    * 1 x half full Oros mix
    * 2 x 1 litre Game energy drink sachets
    * 1 x three quarter full Spiced Gold, 1 x full bottle vodka, 1 x half full bottle gin (not good for quenching the thirst but great for those long nights)
    * Then I fill up my bath, bathroom basin and kitchen sink up every day – very quietly, basically a drip – just in case the water supply all of a sudden stops. I’ll then at least have time to make another plan
    * 3 x tins of onion and tomato
    * 2 x tins of tuna
    * 1 x tin of guava halves
    * 1 x tin of sweetcorn (I don’t know why I have it – I hate the stuff)
    * 1 x tin chunky apricot jam
    * 2 x packs two minute noodles
    * 1 x bottle vinegar
    * ½ a thing of Bovril
    * ¾ thing of peanut butter
    * About ½ a kg of rice
    * 2 x Snickers (the best chocolate in the world)
    * 6 x packs of Mini Cheddars
    * 2 x big packets chips (Big Korn Bites and Ghost Pops for those interested)
    * 3 x breakfast bars
    * 1 x box of ice cream cones
    * 1 x bottle of olive oil
    * 9 x eggs
    * 3 x potatoes (which need to be eaten soon – they’re already starting to go green)
    * ½ a bottle of salad dressing
    * Full jar of mayonnaise
    * Small block of cheese
    * ¾ bottle of Tomato Sauce
    * 1 x onion
    * Bottle of barbeque sauce
    * ¼ jar of Peppadews
    * 7 x smoked viennas
    * 1 x pack of bacon
    * 1 x pack of four steaks
    Apart from some coffee and tea, a little bit of sugar and some spices, that’s what I have in the house to eat. All the fresh stuff has either been eaten or gone rotten, and I’ve run out of bread and milk. It’s not too bad though – if I estimate three small to medium meals a day, I should be okay for another two weeks.
    So while the food side of things is not too bleak, I am seriously struggling with boredom though. I now totally understand the term ‘cabin fever’. My day typically involves a good three hours of staring out the kitchen window noting the movements and numbers of the infected while listening to my iPod (very quietly!). I’m beginning to listen to a lot of folky stuff – don’t know if it’s the

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