that is described fully in Special File 16, and that said investment be made through the Honourable East India Company,
, in such a manner that the Admiralty’s involvement is indiscernible by outsiders, as this is a matter of National Security.
Treasury will assuredly seek to deny the funding and quash this request, but can be overridden, as well you know. Enlist Lord Bathurst at the Colonial Office to ensure this—I know his Lordship often quarrels with you on issues of policy, especially when it relates to money, but in this instance I think there is common cause to be made against the parsimony of Treasury. Sir Tarleton can help you, if help you require.
My recommendation comes upon the reasoned review of trustworthy evidence brought forth by the Admiralty office responsible for Special File 16. The Admiralty’s interest—financial, commercial and political—will be well safeguarded by said office. In turn, they have placed individuals under their control around the Project itself, so that we can be certain of timely, accurate and actionable intelligence.
I shall come to your chambers tomorrow afternoon with the requisite paperwork, on the assumption that you will be amenable to this request, based on our discussion in person yesterday and this morning.
Your estimable servant,
Sir John Barrow
[Excerpt from the Articles of Incorporation, Association Agreement, and Heads of Understanding and Consent, relating to the Ship Indigo Pheasant , to be built at Blackwall Yards, and owned by several parties as herein defined, as drawn up by Mr. Sedgewick, Esq. on behalf of McDoon & Co., acting as general partner, lead venturer and ship’s husband]
Article 10.
Covenants Running with the Ship.
All provisions of the Association Documents which are annexed hereto and made a part hereof, including, without limitation, the provisions of this Article, shall to the extent applicable and unless otherwise expressly herein or therein provided to the contrary, be perpetual and be construed to be covenants running with the Ship.
[... . . . .]
Article 17.
Partial or Preliminary Payment for Shares.
A Partner may pay only a portion of his share in the Ship in cash money upon signing of the Articles of Incorporation and Association Documents, provided that the Partner pay at least one-half of his investment in cash money at that time. The balance of the Partnership investment to be made shall be made upon a series of events described and enumerated in Article 18 below, including the Laying Down of the Ship’s Keel, the Final Equipage and Outfitting of the Ship, and the Launch of the Ship. The other Partners, in accordance with the governance and control protocols laid out in Article 8, shall also have the right (upon a majority vote) to demand accelerated and/or immediate payment of some or all of the outstanding Partnership investment balance unpaid.
[... . . . .]
Article 26.
Rights of Offerings and First Refusals.
It is hereby agreed that each of the associating Partners (including, but not limited to, the General Partner), in the event that he wishes to sell any part of his share in the Ship (up to and including his full share), must first tender and offer his share to the remaining Partners, at a price that reflects prevailing market conditions, and that only in the event that (within sixty days) no market-prevalent price is forthcoming may the Partner desirous of selling offer his share in whole or in part to another party, that is, a party not already a Partner. Conversely, any Partner obtaining thirty-three and one-third pro centum of the entire outstanding ownership shares in the Ship will have the right to buy out the remaining Partners at a price consistent with the market for such ship shares as it currently exists at the time of so bidding.
Advertisement in the London Argus/ Commercial News and Price-Courant , during the Week of Meditrinalia, 1816]