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Book: Read THE IMPERIAL ENGINEER for Free Online
Authors: Judith B. Glad
Tags: Historical fiction, Historical Romance
reporter a thing or two. Teach him to respect other customs,
other beliefs.
    "I'd like to..." he began, his fingers digging into the wood of the window
    Before he could complete the thought, a voice spoke in his mind. Yes? What
would you like to do?
    Like a bucket of cold water dashed into his face, reality swatted Tony smack
between the eyes. There was nothing he could do to counteract the lies and misstatements
in the article. Not if he wanted to stay in Hailey.
    Not until he lay in bed, unable to relax, did the most important question occur to
    Does Eagleton know?

Chapter Four
--OF THE--
Tiger H. & L. Co.,
NO. 1,
Coffin Brothers' Hall, Ketchum,

Wood River Times
    By the time she returned to Hailey in early September, Lulu was ready to stay in
one place for a long time. At a conservative estimate, she had covered about a thousand
miles in eight weeks, traveling by horseback, riverboat, canoe, carriage, railroad, and
shanks mare. She had spoken in parks, in churches, in schools, from porches, in the back
rooms of saloons and once from atop a table set beside the bar. She had been cheered and
reviled, applauded and pelted with rotten fruit.
    But she had made converts. The cause of women's suffrage would be promoted in
Montana Territory.
    Except for one short trip to Portland, where she would at last meet Mrs. Duniway,
she planned to stay in Hailey for a while. Soon she'd have to sit down and plan her winter's
work. Travel would be more difficult then, so she must accomplish as much as possible
before December. She eyed the stack of letters waiting on her desk. No, she would not
work today. It was Saturday, her first free day in weeks, and she would selfishly take it for
    Was there a letter from her parents? She hadn't heard from them since June, and
was eager to read about their latest adventures.
    Soon she was settled in the rocking chair, bare feet tucked under her skirt and a
cup of tea beside her. Not only had she the wished-for letter from Australia, but there was
one from each of her brothers and one from her cousin Katie.
    Gabe and Micah were both well, hoped she was the same. Their letters were brief,
telling only what they were doing.
    Katie, on the other hand, fairly babbled. Her letter told what each of her siblings
was up to, rhapsodized about her children--Lulu found it hard to believe that her
goddaughter Melanie was about to turn three--and confessed to worrying about their
parents, so far away in Australia. I know they're having the time of their lives, Katie wrote, but Pa's sixty-three, after all, and his leg's never been strong since
that time he broke it. I guess I shouldn't worry though, since there's not a darn thing I
could do if something happened. Silas and Soomey are planning to travel with them
through India, which will relieve my mind no end. But still...
    Lulu smiled, thinking about how Uncle Emmet had fretted and stewed about Katie
the time she and Luke had walked halfway across Idaho in the middle of winter. It must be
a family trait.
    When she put the last letter aside, she felt much better. Hearing from family was
almost as good as being with them. I'll stop off in Boise next time I come through, but
only for a short visit.
    So much to do.
    Sunday morning after church, Jacob Teller caught her before she started for
home. "Will you come to dinner this afternoon? Imajean isn't feeling up to the trip to town,
and she's lonely."
    "I'd love to. I was planning on coming out tomorrow, but we can catch up today
just as well." She hesitated. "Unless you'd rather we didn't talk business on Sunday..."
    "My dear Miss King, as if I could stop the two of you! All I ask is that you restrain
yourselves until after dinner. I have invited several others, and I doubt that some of them
would be interested in your cause. Would you like me to arrange a ride for you?"
    "That would be very considerate of you. I've made no

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