The Hamilton Heir

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Book: Read The Hamilton Heir for Free Online
Authors: Valerie Hansen
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
business if the situation called for it, but in his private life he wasn’t so bad, was he? Introspection didn’t show any major flaws that he was aware of. Therefore, he planned to charm the socks off the little old lady he was about to meet and prove to Dawn what a great guy he really was.
    Why? The surprising question gave him pause. Why, indeed? He was Dawn’s boss, not her date.Why should he care about her personal opinion of him as long as she continued to do her job well? Dropping back a few paces he frowned with introspection as he watched her make her way onto the sagging wooden porch.
    The front door flew open before Dawn could knock. A pixieish old woman with a wide grin and a head full of tight white curls reached for Dawn’s arm and practically dragged her inside.
    “There you are, girl! I was gettin’ worried.”
    “Sorry we’re a little late, Miss Ada. We got delayed when Stuart Meyers started talking about The War. You know how that goes.”
    Ada chortled. “That, I do. My Sidney was a jewel, Lord bless him, but when he got to talkin’ about huntin’ or fishin’ he was as single-minded as one of his old hound dogs trailin’ a possum.” Blue eyes twinkling, she giggled behind her hand like a youngster. “’Cept, as I recall, Sid didn’t bay at the moon near as much as them dogs did.”
    Dawn laughed with her, then turned back to the doorway where Tim waited politely. “I have someone with me tonight, Miss Ada. I’d like you to meet Tim Ham—”
    “Land sakes!” the old woman shouted, cutting off the introduction. “Why didn’t you tell me you were bringin’ a friend? Hoo-whee, he’s a big ’un.” She lowered her voice to continue but it was still loud enough to have been heard all the way to the curb. “Mighty good-looking, too. Reminds me of a fella I dated years ago. That boy sure could kiss.”
    “Miss Ada!” Dawn’s voice was raised, too.
    “Oh, posh. Don’t be such a prude, girl.”
    “Mr. Hamilton and I are not romantically involved,” Dawn insisted. “I had car trouble and he was kind enough to drive me on my rounds tonight.”
    Ada eyed Tim. “That right?”
    He nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
    Her pale brows arched. “Well, well. And I suppose you’re gonna tell me you ain’t noticed what a pretty little thing our Dawn is. There’s men’d fight to marry her for that long blond hair, alone.”
    Cheeks reddening, Tim looked as though he was trying his best to keep a straight face. The corners of his mouth twitched. His dark eyes shone. “Yes, ma’am.”
    Ada was just getting warmed up. She held out her arms toward Dawn as if hawking a priceless treasure. “Look at that girl. She’s pretty as a speckled pup. Smart, too. Went to college. Did you know that?”
    “Yes, ma’am, I did.”
    Dawn broke in. “I work for Mr. Hamilton, Miss Ada. I’m his administrative assistant.”
    “His what?”
    “Secretary,” Dawn said flatly. Determined to change the subject she asked, “So, how are all your grandchildren?”
    “Oh, they’re wonderful. Sissy’s about to graduate and Bubba’s got his first girlfriend. The little ones are cute as ever.”
    Dawn was relieved to see Ada bustle over to an end table and produce a packet of snapshots which she proceeded to display for Tim, one at a time, along with a running commentary.
    He glanced at Dawn over the elderly woman’s mop of poodlelike curls. There was a plea for rescue in his gaze.
    “We really should be going,” Dawn said. “We have one more stop.”
    Ada looked up. “I’m not the last one?”
    “Not anymore. Remember? We added that nice young family, Jordan and Allison Martin.”
    “Right. The folks with the baby. I forgot. How’s the daddy doin’? Think he’ll be able to go back to work soon?”
    “We hope so,” Dawn said. “Since he’s a carpenter, I’m not sure. It’s not like he can sit behind a desk all day the way I do.”
    “Pity,” Ada said. She slipped the wad of photos back into the

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