the next five decades until
the mission was expanded in the 1990s to include “advanced sexual
and reproductive rights” taught to school children as young as 10
years of age. In 1987 in Belgium, a child porn ring operated out of the
UNICEF headquarters involving pedophiles located in Switzerland,
France and England. Fourteen were arrested in the sting. Shocking
revelations at the trial proved that UNICEF do-gooders would ask for
“sex relief” before they doled out aid to the needy kids. The UNICEF
scandals were so abhorrent; that the U.S. Congress halted all financial
support until UNICEF cleaned up their international act.
Compared to the long lists of scandals and corruption, the behavior
of the U.N. staff in New York City is a relatively minor annoyance.
Members are known throughout the city as “scofflaws”. They notoriously drive cars with special U.N. diplomatic license plates, ignore
parking and other minor traffic laws and when cited for violations
simply never pay their tickets and claim diplomatic immunity.
At the New York Headquarters annual opening session of the
General Assembly, news coverage reports a steady stream of global
dictators who set up shop in nearby luxury hotels, tie up traffic as their
motorcades drive them to the meeting and then parade to the marble
podium to roundly condemn Israel and America. From the rambling
and incoherent Iranian Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Cuba’s Fidel
Castro and Venezuela’s bellowing Hugo Chavez (both in healthier
days); their speeches routinely receive long, standing ovations.
In light of the U.N.’s long history of scandals and corruption, one
would think the world might have been more than a bit suspicious
when a U.N. organization began issuing a steady stream of escalating
global temperature readings claiming they were an imminent threat
to the survival of all mankind. For years, we have been hearing that
unless the world took drastic action to halt greenhouse gases, civilization would surely perish. And yet, somehow we are all still here.
The U.N. also engineered a global environmental program that
would punish the rich and benefit the poor. Their reports determined
the pollution caused by these developed nations created unimaginable
harm to impoverished Third World countries, so “reparations” were
in order. In other words, “Global Warming” was the reason for a giant
redistribution of wealth as the U.N.’s Agenda 21 was implemented.
A small clique of elite U.N. scientists operating at the obscure East
Anglia University in England became known as “The International
Panel on Climate Change” but few realized it was top to bottom a U.N.
organization. These “experts” became the world’s leading source of
global warming statistics for decades. Only a few “climate deniers” (or
as I prefer to call them “environmental truth tellers”) scrutinized the
IPCC’s alarming statistics. Most perplexing was how were these U.N.
scientists able to construct temperature readings before the invention
of the thermometer? The answer turned out to be uniquely revealing.
They hired one “tree-ring” expert who charted the earth’s temperatures from old logs he found dissected from around the world.
Then secret emails were revealed showing that from 2000 to
2006 one of the U.N.’s IPCC scientists at the East Anglia University
School of Environmental Sciences and the director of the nowexposed Climate Research Unit received more than $19 million in
U.N. research grants. That’s approximately $3 million a year to “cook
the climate books” and produce statistics that bolstered U.N. global
warming claims.
Returning to our overview of U.N. operations around the world,
the current available budget for all of the U.N.’s global operations
in 2012 was introduced, voted on and passed Christmas Eve 2011
when most of the world’s attention was otherwise occupied. Totaling
a staggering $12.15 billion, it was divided
Alison Golden, Jamie Vougeot
Thomas Ligotti, Brandon Trenz