The Ghost of Oak
The clock ticked in the background of silence as they,
along with the nonphysical being, stared at the walls, lost in
thought. Finally, she was ready to go on.

        " My great-great grandmother put a curse on it, dooming those
outside of the family who touched it, to death. That's what
happened to one of the men who helped raid my
         Now it was coming into place. So, that was why it
was lying astray by the graveyard.
        " They left right away to only who knows where; took the body
with them. And that's where you found it." She glanced towards
Katie, then continued.
        " I know that since you're part of the family, you're
supposed to have the right to keep the necklace, but you are just
way too young and that thing can kill. Don't get too involved and,
I repeat, DO NOT in any way try to get those thugs in trouble.
They're dangerous."
        "What do you want us to do then?" The youngster
       " I
want you to return it to where it came from." And with that, she
          That night, Katrina drove her daughter to the
cemetery, parking the car near the sidewalk. Little Katie retrieved
her small sand shovel and started digging a small hole in the
corner near the tombstone. After forty-five minutes or so, she
reached the top of the coffin, and next to it a small pit. She
stuffed her hand into the pocket of her shorts and grasped hold of
the necklace. Hesitating, the girl slowly dropped it down the hole
forever. She struggled to cover up the hole herself, then gazed at
it for a moment. Then, turning to meet her mother halfway to the
car, she looked back at tjie stone and whispered:
        "Rest in peace, Ellen Mary McDonald."

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