Rose-Marie’s warm voice and the joy with which she had accepted his invitation to dinner.
‘Well, let’s not stand out here in the corridor,’ he said after reluctantly dismissing his recollection of the pleasant telephone call. ‘Let’s take a seat in my office and have a chat.’
Hanna followed him into his office and sat down in the chair facing his desk.
‘So, I see that you’ve already managed to get your feet wet.’
‘Yes, Inspector Hedström took me along to investigate a vehicular accident. A single-car crash. With one fatality, unfortunately.’
‘Yes, that does happen from time to time.’
‘Our first assessment indicates that alcohol was involved as well. The driver reeked of it.’
‘Damn. Did Patrik say it was someone we’d brought in for driving under the influence before?’
‘No, apparently not. He even recognized the victim. Some woman who had a shop on Affärsvägen. Marit, I think he said.’
‘I’ll be damned,’ said Mellberg, contemplatively scratching his hair, which was coiled on top of his scalp. ‘Marit? I never would have believed it.’ He cleared his throat. ‘I hope you didn’t have to inform the next of kin on your first day here.’
‘No,’ said Hanna, looking down at her shoes. ‘Patrik and a short, younger officer with red hair went off to do that.’
‘That’s Martin Molin,’ said Mellberg. ‘Didn’t Patrik introduce you two?’
‘No, he probably forgot. I suspect he must have been thinking about the task at hand.’
‘Hmm,’ said Mellberg. There was a long silence. Then he cleared his throat.
‘Well then. Welcome to Tanumshede police station. I hope you’ll enjoy it here. What sort of living arrangements have you made, by the way?’
‘We’re renting a house, that is, my husband and I are, in the area across from the church. We actually moved in a week ago and have been spending the time getting settled. We’re renting the house furnished, but we want to make it as cosy as possible.’
‘And your husband? What does he do? Did he find a job here too?’
‘Not yet,’ said Hanna, lowering her eyes again. Her hands moved restlessly in her lap.
Mellberg was silently sneering to himself. So, she was married to that sort of man. An out-of-work shit who let himself be supported by his wife. Well, some people could get away with it.
‘Lars is a psychologist,’ said Hanna, as if she could hear what Mellberg was thinking. ‘He’s been looking, but there aren’t many job opportunities around here. So until he finds something, he’s working on a book. A non-fiction book. And he’ll also be working several hours a week as a psychologist for the participants in Sodding Tanum .’
‘I see,’ said Mellberg in a tone that showed he’d already lost interest in what her husband did. ‘Well, once again, welcome to the station.’ He got up to indicate that she could leave now that the formalities had been concluded.
‘Thank you,’ said Hanna.
‘Please close the door after you,’ said Mellberg. For a brief moment he thought he saw an amused smile on her lips. But he was probably mistaken. She seemed to have great respect for him and his work. She had said as much, more or less, and given his deep insight into human behaviour, he could always tell when someone was being honest or not. And Hanna was definitely honest.
‘How’d it go?’ said Annika in a whisper when she entered Hanna’s office a few seconds later.
‘Well now,’ said Hanna, giving her the amused smile that Mellberg imagined he hadn’t seen. ‘A real character, that one,’ she said, shaking her head.
‘Character. Yes, I suppose you could call him that,’ said Annika with a laugh. ‘In any case it looks like you can handle him. Don’t take any shit, that’s my advice. If he thinks he can mess with you, you’re done for.’
‘I’ve encountered a few other Mellbergs in my day, so I know how to handle him,’ said Hanna. And Annika had no doubt that she meant
Annathesa Nikola Darksbane, Shei Darksbane