The Frozen Beginning (Elemental Diamond Book 1)

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Book: Read The Frozen Beginning (Elemental Diamond Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Daphne Robynson
by. Every one of them is littered with Hovers, all moving in a systematic and safe order. The other vehicles hover like the one Glacier rides in, creating a loud humming in the air.
    Glacier notices that all the elementals that fill the streets are wearing plain clothing in variations of green. No originality or uniqueness.
    They all look the same as each other .
    She enjoys the breeze whipping across her face for a little while longer, before pulling back into the car and reharnessing herself.
    Glacier turns to Lien, finding him speaking into a transparent glowing microphone that hovers by his lips, tethered to the earpiece.
    “We will be arriving shortly. Ensure everything is ready upon our arrival.” His voice is stern.
    He presses his pointing finger to the centre of the earpiece and the microphone disappears. “We will be arriving at the hotel in two minutes.”
    Glacier realizes he is now addressing her, and nods in understanding.
    Running her fingers through her snarling curls, she tries to tame it back from the wild mane it had blown into from the wind. Lien pulls the Hover off the road smoothly, into a secondary lane leading up to the entrance of a colossal white building.
    Giant white pillars stage the entrance, with glass surrounding them. An array of gardens, water features and a few lanterns surround the crystal entrance. Pulling up to the front of the tall steps that lead to the open doorway, Glacier notices many other elementals mulling in and out of the building wearing green, blue or orange clothing.
    Glacier hears the door open on Lien’s side of the Hover, but remains glued to her seat.
    This is a lot more than I was expecting …
    Gazing up at the building’s entrance, a woman stands at the top holding a tray in both hands, a straining smile on her face.
    Her door suddenly opens. Glacier looks up to see Lien standing to the side of her door, gazing straight ahead. Using her hair as a shield, she steps out of the Hover, mumbling a quick farewell to her driver.
    “Good luck, Miss Wardgrave.” He sneaks a small glass card into her hand, “You can contact me at any time you need.”
    Glacier glances up to Lien, “Thank you.”
    He nods with a small smile on his face before hitching his head to the side, indicating to continue walking.
    Glacier returns his smile with a small one of her own before turning to the women at the entrance. She climbs the steps hurriedly, watching her feet the entire journey up.
    When Glacier is a few metres away, the woman with the tray calls out to her. “Welcome to the Persia Hotel, Miss Wardgrave. My name is Melana Hyde, and I am the hotel’s Dormitory Keeper. My job is to ensure you feel as comfortable and safe at this hotel as possible.” Her smile is tight, and her eyes gleam brightly with interest as she absorbs Glacier’s features.
    Her ordinary green eyes watch Glacier carefully. Curiosity shines at the sight of the two different colours before they dart to the young girl’s forehead, like Lien had. Glacier tilts her head forward to cover her stitches with her lengthy curls.
    Melana coughs awkwardly at Glacier’s silence before holding the tray out in offering. Glacier notices an illuminating blue wristband lying flat on the tray.
    “This is your Passkey. With this, you have wireless entry to your room.” Melana lifts the tray higher towards Glacier, “Please hold your wrist over the band.”
    Glacier sends Melana an odd look. Hesitantly lifting her left wrist out over the band, the straps quickly snap around it with a small click, securing it snug to her skin. Glacier flinches at the sharp movement, her heartbeat spiking.
    The band glows brighter at the touch of her skin before dimming to a pale blue strip, hugging her wrist like cloth.
    Glacier breathes out as she turns her wrist over left and right, analysing the tight strap. It doesn’t itch or irritate with movement; in fact, she almost doesn’t feel it at all.
    “Now that you have your Passkey, I

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