The Flesh Cartel #6: Brotherhood

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Book: Read The Flesh Cartel #6: Brotherhood for Free Online
Authors: Heidi Belleau
sense, didn’t it.
And then Nikolai hummed around him, just like he’d taught Dougie to do, and his hand slid back behind Dougie’s balls, fingers nudging easily into his hole, and Dougie was whining and fighting to keep his hips from rising and then just like that he was coming, pleasure so raw and hot and bright he barely noticed the blast of pain beneath it, hard use and denial and need too long caged, coming so fucking hard the whole world crashed to pieces around his ears and the primal voice cried, Yes sir thank you thank you thank you sir thank you for this gift master, thank you . . .
He was still untethered when Nikolai rose and pressed their mouths together, and it was so easy and natural to open his mouth to Nikolai and kiss him and kiss him and kiss him as he emptied a mouthful of salty cum down into Dougie’s throat. So easy to swallow his own cum—he’d done this enough, knew how to now, knew what Nikolai wanted and how to make him happy—to taste himself on Nikolai’s probing tongue, take every gift Nikolai offered with sweet, unquestioning gratitude as the aftershocks of his orgasm rumbled through him, each one as powerful as an orgasm in itself. So easy. Painless. So easy to finally give in, twitching as he was with his pleasure. So, so easy. Beautiful, almost. He felt . . . high. Relaxed. Unafraid.
And in that moment, for the first time since he’d been taken, he didn’t miss his old life, not even a little.
chapter three

    ougie’s eyes slowly opened.
    He was . . . warm. Comfortable. No strange pressure inside his body. No pain, no clawing need. Wrapped up safe in somebody’s arms.
He lurched the rest of the way awake, and then hissed in
    fear that he may have woken Nikolai, too. God, it was like waking up in a fucking bear’s den. While cuddled up with the damn bear.
    Settling in against Nikolai’s broad, solid chest again, he took a couple of calming breaths and tried to relax. The sooner he stirred, the sooner he woke Nikolai, the sooner he’d be—
    His shudder made Nikolai snuffle in his sleep, but he didn’t wake, just pulled Dougie closer with one heavy arm. Trapped. God, they were spooning like lovers. Like they’d met at a bar and picked each other up and had a great night together, except instead of a great night it was . . .
    What, exactly? How had he gotten here? Why was Nikolai holding him? Why had he stayed to sleep? He never stayed.
The master, who came and went as he pleased, had stayed.
And likewise, the master who wore his finely tailored clothes as yet another sign of his superiority . . . was naked. Or nearly so, anyway. Dougie felt smooth fabric against his ass— silk briefs, maybe—but everywhere else it was skin to skin, horribly intimate, and he wanted away so badly he felt sick with it, but was afraid to move, afraid to wake him—
I could kill him. I could roll over and strangle him in his sleep and by the time he wakes up it’ll be too late to stop me and I’ll take his keys and find Mat and we’ll run away . . .
Nikolai’s arms tightened around him again. “Going somewhere, Douglas?”
Dougie started guiltily and tried to pretend he was sleeping.
“I could feel that tension in you from across the room, pet. You must never feign sleep when your master asks something of you. We’ve shared a lovely night, Douglas; please don’t give me reason to be cross with you.”
Shared a lovely night? What the fuck was he talking about? Why couldn’t Dougie remember? He remembered pain—so much of it, too much of it—and hunger and arousal and misery and being bent over the bed and milked. Plugs and a cock cage and begging like a starving dog and . . .
Begging. He’d begged. Not to be set free, not to see Mat, nothing normal or healthy or respectable to beg for.
He’d begged to have his cock sucked. Begged to come. Begged . . . oh God. Begged for Nikolai to fuck him. Be specific, he remembered Nikolai saying. Begged for Nikolai to

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