The Final Line

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Book: Read The Final Line for Free Online
Authors: Kendall McKenna
Tags: gay romance, military
in his throat as he wondered how autobiographical the song was. He wondered if Sean would care how closely it paralleled his own life.
    Corey swallowed against the lump in his throat. He’d done his damnedest over the years not to think about Kathryn—Kathy—he sure as hell didn’t want to start back now.
    Sean changed keys and transitioned into a different song. This one was angry, demanding acceptance and respect, refusing to compromise. Corey wondered what kind of shit Sean had been through.
    The third of Sean’s songs was more upbeat and rhythmic. It was about two lovers who were invincible as long as they had each other. It held an optimism Corey didn’t think he’d ever had, or ever would.
    All three songs received enthusiastic reactions from the crowd. Corey was just buzzed enough to add his own claps, cheers and whistles to the cacophony. Sean’s pleased smile tightened something in Corey’s chest.
    The next song was a cover of a popular song from a relatively new Irish rock band. Corey ordered another drink. He thought it might be his third. The buzz in his head told him it was likely his fourth.
    “You come in a cab again, Devil Dog?” Linda asked as she handed over his whiskey.
    “Yes, ma’am,” Corey replied reflexively.
    She gave him a wicked smile. “Sean is one lucky guy.”
    Corey’s stomach did a slow roll. “How’s that?”
    “You conveniently need a ride home. Sean conveniently lives nearby.” Linda winked and moved on to her next customer.
    He glanced over his shoulder at Sean, wishing and wanting, but knowing he just couldn’t have. Not right now.
    On Sean’s next break, he paused at tables to talk with the people who had obviously come to hear him sing. The three women from earlier tried to keep him from moving on, but Sean gracefully disentangled himself and headed for Corey.
    “Switching to soda, Sean?” Linda asked.
    “Yes, please.” He graced her with a kind smile. “Gotta drive home later.”
    Sean leaned an elbow on the bar beside Corey. He smiled brightly, his hazel eyes sparkling. Corey wanted to run his thumb over Sean’s lush lower lip. Who the fuck was he kidding? He wanted to lean in and run his tongue over Sean’s lip, just before he nipped at it until it was swollen.
    “Jesus,” Sean whispered harshly. He turned and rested both elbows on the bar. He flushed through his tan. “The way you’re looking at my mouth is making me hard.”
    Corey inhaled sharply, his chest tightening. “Sorry.” He glanced around to see if anyone had noticed. Several of the women were watching the two of them but none looked angry or appalled. Some even looked predatory.
    “I’m not,” Sean replied, taking a sip of his drink. “Let’s just be discreet while I’m working.”
    “I usually am more discreet,” Corey told him.
    “I can imagine.” Turning to face him again, Sean asked, “So, what did you think?”
    Corey was confused for a moment. “About your singing? You’re fucking awesome.” He wished he could say something more insightful.
    Sean chuckled and looked pleased. “Thank you. What did you think of the original songs?”
    Corey hesitated. Sharing his earlier thoughts with Sean would reveal too much about his own raw emotions. “I think they’re better than some of the covers you did.”
    “Glad you liked them.” Sean glanced around the room and waved at someone in the corner. He polished off his drink and stood tall. “You sticking around ’til my next break?”
    “I’ll be right here,” Corey answered without thinking.
    Sean gripped Corey’s shoulder as he stepped away. To onlookers, it probably looked like a casual touch between friends, but Sean’s hand lingered before he skimmed it down Corey’s arm.
    His skin burned where Sean had touched him. Corey could still feel Sean’s touch, even after Sean stepped onto the stage.
    During this set, Sean performed a few songs that had been recorded by female pop singers. With his talented fingers on

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