long-term changes to the way you eat that you can
maintain for life. There is no structured daily meal plan or recipe book alongside the Fat Burn Revolution book. This programme is for adults. You are a grown-up and you can decide for yourself
what meals you’re going to eat. You may be wishing I’d make it simpler for you by telling you exactly what to eat and when, but in the long run you’re going to be a lot better off
by learning to choose and prepare nourishing foods that fit your tastes and lifestyle.
So, you are free to eat whatever you like. I am simply going to offer you some advice in the form of the following guidelines. These guidelines are simple and flexible, but incredibly effective
for reducing body fat, improving energy levels and generally ensuring your body gets what it needs to thrive.
By now you should be starting to understand why, when fat burning is the main aim, this type of training is the way to go.
eliminate sugar No surprises here. Processed sugar offers virtually no nutritional value to your body, it plays havoc with your
hormones and ultimately puts the body into fat-storing mode. You may get a momentary sugar rush right after eating it, but you start to feel hungry and tired very soon afterwards. For a lot of
people, this is also accompanied by feelings of guilt and gloom, which last far longer than the few seconds the sweet taste lingered in their mouths. In short, sugar is really not worth eating and
should be avoided wherever possible while fat loss is your priority. It is also horribly addictive, as you will probably realise as you begin to remove it from your diet.
Eat protein-rich foods to build fat-burning, body sculpting muscle.
replace grains and cereals with vegetables Cereals, rice, bread, pasta and other foods made with flour, like pastry, are poor food
choices. These are full of the ‘empty’ carbohydrates that caused you to store excess fat on your body. Plus they make you feel tired and bloated. These foods offer very few useful
nutrients and are almost as bad for you as sugar. Keep reminding yourself these foods are tasteless, cheap bulk, which your body doesn’t need or respond well too. You deserve better. Replace
them whenever you can with lovely nutrient-rich vegetables, which will nourish and energise you.
do not drink your calories Avoid calorie-laden beverages. Apart from the fact that they usually contain all kinds of nasty
ingredients, they do not satisfy you the way food does. When your aim is to shed fat, it is much better to get your energy from food. Even smoothies and juice drinks are generally not good choices.
It is much better to eat fruits and vegetables than grind them up and drink them. By eating them you benefit from the fibre contained in the pulp, which slows down the rate at which the
carbohydrates are absorbed by the body and also makes you feel full and satisfied.
eat lean protein at every meal Protein-rich foods are usually very tasty and they help you to feel ‘full’ and satisfied.
Protein is also important for supporting the body as it adapts to the demands of the exercises in this programme. Getting enough of this nutrient in your diet is essential to ensure your body will
perform at its best and recover quickly between sessions. Great choices include oily fish, lean cuts of meat, eggs, and Quorn products.
limit dairy products Milk is pretty disgusting when you think about what it is. Most people would find the idea of putting human
breast milk on their cereal in the morning revolting, so how come we don’t feel the same about the lactate of another species? Surely that should be even more disgusting – at least
human milk is meant for baby humans rather than baby cows! I’m not saying you should limit your consumption of milk purely for squeamish reasons though, but mainly because of all the growth
hormones and lactose (milk sugar) it contains, which will inhibit your fat loss. By all means have splash of milk