young virgins. If you are an honest maid with good inten tions, all you need is time. And I shall show you that marriage to me and your life as the Countess of Ayliffe will be pleasurable and happy. In time all the young knights who have filled your dreams will fade away and the love of a good and generous man will replace them. ” He shrugged. “ In time, Anne, you will be come a woman. And I plan for that to happen in my home, under my patient care. ”
She could not help but smile at him, for it was clear that he was a tender and kind man. If she had not known Dylan, she could love a man such as Brennan Forbes. “ I thank you, my lord, for your uncommon goodness. ”
“ My name, Anne. Please, use my name. ”
“ Brennan, ” she tested, laughing.
“ You need not thank me. I have been married, twice, and both times have been very fortunate to be loved by good women. I ’ m afraid I was not as good a husband as they were wives, but they both did their parts to refine me a bit. Gone are the barbs of a selfish, impatient young man, and I can be a good husband now. If you only let me, I can make you very happy. ”
“ Your wives? They died? ”
“ Aye, the first over twenty years ago when I was but a lad. Childbed took her and my firstborn. I was a long time in getting over that loss. The second, a good woman, gave me a son who is now ten years old, and a fever took her two years past. I have missed her and, until very recently, I could not imagine that I would take a third bride. ”
“ I am so sorry for your losses, Brennan, ” Anne said sincerely. “ I cannot imagine losing a loved one .. . “ In even thinking of the possibility of losing Dylan, Anne felt the threat of tears.
“ It was difficult, but there is always great risk in loving some one. I have known your parents and they mentioned their daugh ter, but ... ” His voice trailed off and he studied her face. “ I was pleased to see you at the tournament. Otherwise, we might not have met. ”
“ I have a sister ... ”
“ Yes. Divina. ”
“ It was assumed that she would marry and I would go to the convent. ”
Brennan ’ s shoulders moved in a rueful chuckle. “ Lady Gifford seems more clever than to make such a dreadful mistake. Why has she kept you hidden until this tournament? ”
Anne shrugged her shoulders as she thought of how she wished to have been hidden just a little longer. But the idea of Divina failing to meet this man ’ s standards almost made her smile. With the energy her sister put toward finding a husband, and in that effort the accrual of many pretty dresses and trinkets that she selfishly hoarded, Divina had become filled with self-impor tance. Anne often felt that Divina had their mother ’ s favor. She tried to console herself that it was their mother ’ s obligation to see the older daughter wed first, b ut that explanation for her mother ’ s inattentiveness seemed inadequate. Even though Anne felt no temptation toward Lord Forbes ’ s prestigious offer of mar riage, something inside her began to glow from the sheer vanity of being singled out. Divina would be deliciously scandalized.
“ How long have you been sitting alone in the wood? ”
“ Since mass, ” she said absently.
“ Worrying over what harsh demands would be made on you by an eager earl? ”
“ I was worried before. Until this mornin g, it was only the convent .. . ”
“ I will protect you better than nuns, Anne. ”
She nodded, but looked down again.
“ Do you come willingly, ma cherie?” he asked.
Again, she nodded. She looked into his eyes. “ You are kind to me, Brennan. I would not have you think me ungrateful. ”
“ But? ” he asked. Anne chewed her lip. “ Come, my love, let us not begin with lies between us. I have told you I can be understanding of your plight – I am aware of your youth. If you tell me the truth, perhaps I can help. ”
Anne knew better than to think there was any possible way Brennan Forbes
Annathesa Nikola Darksbane, Shei Darksbane