‘Very well, thank you. That’s all.’
As João capered off, Malory took a sip of her wine, then rose and went to find out what Monteith could possibly want.
He was standing in the shadow of one of the bushes that flanked the entrance to the hotel, smoking one of his cheap cigars. She had never liked their scent. She was not sure she liked the smoker any more than the cigar, if it came to that. Monteith was the sort of smooth-talking, apparently good-humoured man she had often found to be at heart faithless and deceitful. But Schools had not chosen him for his gentlemanly qualities. She was aware of that.
‘Can we take a ride, Malory?’ he said at once.
‘A ride where?’
‘It doesn’t matter. Away from here would be healthy.’
‘Let’s get a cab.’
He grasped her elbow and piloted her towards the first of several taxis parked in front of the hotel. ‘What’s this about, Howie?’
‘I’ll explain as we go.’
‘You’ll have to explain now.’ Malory pulled up. ‘I’m not going anywhere unless I know why.’
Monteith frowned at her in the lamplight. ‘I’m trying to help you, God damn it. There isn’t much time.’
‘Why isn’t there?’
‘Because—Will you just trust me, Malory? This once?’
The sincerity of his tone moved her. Something was clearly wrong. But it seemed she would have to board the taxi to find out what it was. ‘All right. But I won’t be going far if you don’t spell out what’s going on.’
Taking that for as much in the way of consent as he was likely to get, Monteith virtually manhandled her into the taxi and instructed the driver to head ‘towards’ – rather than to, Malory noted – Yokohama station.
‘Don’t get off there,’ Monteith advised her in an undertone as the taxi started away. ‘Have him take you on to the next station north – Kanagawa.’
‘What on earth are you talking about?’
‘I’ll be getting out soon, so we’d better keep this snappy. It’s over, Malory. Truth is, it was over before it started. We sold you and Schools out before you even reached New York. Lemmer’s been in control all the way along.’
‘ What? ’
‘The show closes tonight. The meeting with Farngold was a trap. Schools and Sam will already have been arrested. The police will be picking up Grover and Gazda right around now. Then they’ll come for you. I don’t know the charges and it doesn’t really matter anyway. They’ll stick. You can be sure of that.’
‘Are you insane?’ But Malory could see the truth written in the shadows on Monteith’s face. He had never been saner. ‘You gave us away?’
‘We gave nothing. We were bought in advance. Lemmer foresaw this whole operation. You were never going to achieve a damn thing. Even if Max had got here alive. Which we know he isn’t going to, don’t we? Now listen. You probably think I’m the lowest form of life there is, but it’s lucky for you I’m not. And that Schools didn’t ask me along on the trip to Tokyo. He can cope with what’s coming his way. Maybe he’ll strike a deal with them. I hope so. But surrendering a lady like you to the Japanese Secret Police doesn’t sit well with my conscience. So, I’m giving you a chance. How much of a chance I don’t know. But you said you know the country, so maybe you can get clean away. I can’t risk helping you any more than this.’ Monteith stretched forward and tapped the driver on the shoulder. ‘Stop here, pal. I’m getting out. Tomare! Koko. ’
Malory was too horrified to react. Schools and Sam under arrest; Ward and Djabsu likewise. And everything anticipated and orchestrated by Lemmer. He had won. And they had lost.
‘We could all have gone home on the Iyo-maru and no harm done, but you and Sam and Schools between you wouldn’t let it rest, would you?’ The taxi jerked to a halt and Monteith jumped out. He glanced back at her and touched his hat. ‘Good luck, Malory.’
He slammed the door