The Edmond Hamilton Megapack: 16 Classic Science Fiction Tales

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Book: Read The Edmond Hamilton Megapack: 16 Classic Science Fiction Tales for Free Online
Authors: Edmond Hamilton
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space Opera, Short Stories, Sci-Fi, pulp fiction
victims to walk directly into our hands. We ordinarily have a more difficult time securing them.”
    He made a gesture to the two hooded men with pistols, and they ranged themselves close behind Campbell and Ennis.
    “We are going to the Cavern of the Door,” said the Hindoo. “Inspector Campbell, I know and respect your resourcefulness. Be warned that your slightest attempt to escape means a bullet in your back. You two will march ahead of us,” he said, and added mockingly, “Remember, while you live you can cling to the shadow of hope, but if these guns speak, it ends even that shadow.”
    Ennis and Inspector Campbell, keeping their hands elevated, started at the Hindoo’s command down the softly lit rock tunnel. Chandra Dass and the two hooded men with pistols followed.
    Ennis saw that the inspector’s sagging face was expressionless, and knew that behind that colorless mask, Campbell’s brain was racing in an attempt to find a method of escape. For himself, the young American had almost forgotten all else in his eagerness to reach his wife. Whatever happened to Ruth, whatever mysterious horror lay in wait for her and the other victims, he would be there beside her, sharing it!
    The tunnel wound a little further downward, then straightened out and ran straight for a considerable length. In this straight section of the rock passage, Ennis and Campbell for the first time perceived that the walls of the tunnel bore crowding, deeply chiseled inscriptions. They had not time to read them in passing, but Ennis saw that they were in many different languages, and that some of the characters were wholly unfamiliar.
    “God, some of those inscriptions are in Egyptian hieroglyphics!” muttered Inspector Campbell.
    The cool voice of Chandra Dass said, behind them, “There are pre-Egyptian inscriptions on these walls, inspector, could you but recognize them, carven in languages that perished from the face of earth before Egypt was born. Yes, back through time, back through mediæval and Roman and Egyptian and pre-Egyptian ages, the Brotherhood of the Door has existed and has each year gathered in this place to open the Door and worship with sacrifices They Beyond it.”
    The fanatic note of unearthly devotion was in his voice now, and Ennis shuddered with a cold not of the tunnel.
    As they proceeded, they heard a muffled, hoarse booming somewhere over their heads, a dull, rhythmic thunder that echoed along the long passageway. The walls of the tunnel now were damp and glistening in the sourceless soft light, tiny trickles running down them.
    “You hear the ocean over us,” came Chandra Dass’ voice. “The Cavern of the Door lies several hundred yards out from shore, beneath the rock floor of the sea.”
    They passed the dark mouths of unlit tunnels branching ahead from this illuminated one. Then over the booming of the raging sea above them, there came to Ennis’ ears the distant, swelling chant they had heard in the water-cavern above. But now it was louder, nearer. At the sound of it, Chandra Dass quickened their pace.
    Suddenly Inspector Campbell stumbled on the slippery rock floor and went down in a heap. Instantly Chandra Dass and his two followers recoiled from them, the two pistols trained on the detective as he scrambled up.
    “Do not do that again, inspector,” warned the Hindoo in a deadly voice. “All tricks are useless now.”
    “I couldn’t help slipping on this wet floor,” complained Inspector Campbell.
    “The next time you make a wrong step of any kind, a bullet will smash your spine,” Chandra Dass told him. “Quick—march!”

    The tunnel turned sharply, turned again. As they rounded the turns, Ennis saw with a sudden electric thrill of hope that Campbell held clutched in his hand, concealed by his sleeve, the heel-hilted knife from his shoe. He had drawn it when he stumbled.
    Campbell edged a little closer to the young American as they were hastening onward, and whispered to him, a word at a

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