The Dying Light

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Book: Read The Dying Light for Free Online
Authors: Henry Porter
Tags: Fiction - Espionage
and the longest-serving prime minister in British history, because he somehow felt closer to Pitt than any other of his predecessors.

    ‘I heard you were down at High Castle for David Eyam’s inquest.’

    Kilmartin couldn’t have been more surprised. He’d come with a dozen excuses not to go to the Caucasus as special envoy or back to Kazakhstan. ‘My word, you’ve got good sources, prime minister.’

    ‘Well, one hears things. I wondered if you had any special reason for attending.’

    ‘He was a friend and I happened to be in the town - the house I bought is not far from High Castle - so I thought I’d pop in.’

    ‘Tragic business; there’s not a day that goes by without my missing him.’ Temple paused and rubbed his upper lip. ‘He really had such a grasp of the issues - and a most agile mind. That kind of clarity is unique in my experience.’ He looked at the portrait above him. ‘You know what Pitt’s tutor used to say about him? “He seemed never to learn but merely to recollect.” That was Eyam. I valued his advice, just as I do yours, Peter.’

    ‘That’s very kind of you, prime minister. Is this what you wanted to see me for?’

    ‘As a matter of fact, yes. As you know, I was very fond of David but there were difficulties at the end of his time here.’ He paused. ‘You know what I’m referring to?’

    ‘I’m afraid not. I was away abroad at the time - Turkey - and then looking after Helen.’

    ‘Well, it doesn’t matter: all water under the bridge. But I wonder if you could keep an eye on all this for me.’

    ‘What? I mean how?’

    ‘I’m anxious that neither the violent circumstances of his death nor the facts of his departure from government become a matter of speculation. There will be a great temptation to cause mischief by linking it all to the death of poor Christopher Holmes, who was head of the JIC before David Eyam, as you know. We do not want any mischief at this stage.’ Mischief was a word the prime minister used to describe everything from anti-social behaviour to terrorism.

    ‘I haven’t seen a word to that effect in the newspapers,’ said Kilmartin.

    ‘Of course we could have held the Eyam inquest in camera,’ continued Temple, ‘but I took the view, and the home secretary agreed with me, that it would give rise to speculation.’

    ‘I didn’t know you had that kind of discretion in the proceedings of a coroner’s court, prime minister, but let me say I think you took the right decision.’

    ‘Did you see Eyam a lot? Were you a close friend?’

    ‘Very little over the past few years, but I liked him.’

    ‘Did you know he was in Colombia?’

    Kilmartin shook his head.

    ‘Nor did we, and that bothers me, Peter.’

    ‘Well, he can’t trouble anyone now.’

    ‘Of course you’re right. But, look, I want you to keep your ear to the ground on this. Let me know if there is going to be any silliness. It would be bad for the country to be distracted by a lot of daft conspiracy theories in the run up to an election. People must feel able to trust government, not just my government but any British government: the procedures, the checks and balances, the good intentions of those who hold power, their fundamental respect for the constitution. People must know that we are trustworthy.’

    ‘Quite. Do you want me to actively pursue this, or simply tell you anything I hear?’

    ‘Yes, tell me, or tell Christine Shoemaker, the deputy director of the Security Service: you know her?’ Kilmartin nodded, remembering the blonde northerner with a down-turned mouth, who had all but sidelined the director of MI5, Charles Foster-King, because of her relationships with Temple and the home secretary, Derek Glenny. ‘Good. Contact her if I am unavailable; otherwise telephone my private secretary and come in for a chat. Do a bit of digging around. Put your ear to the ground. Find out what’s being said. Would that be all right, Peter? Do say if it

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