The Doctor's Rough Treatment (Historical Medical Smut With A Side Of Story)
sure I could learn such a
thing,” the Frenchman said.
    Droll said, “You should try it
before you make an assumption based on no data.”
    Olivia took the Doctor’s cock into
her mouth and pulled at his balls. He visibly softened in his stance even as he
hardened in her mouth. She reached back and pulled at the Frenchman’s balls
under her. She heard him suck in a breath as he drove up into her with greater
    “Oh, I could be open to a quick experiment
before we arrive in Paris and make a final decision.”
    “Where did Olivia get off to?” Dr.
Droll looked around as if he had lost track of her as she sucked his cock and
the Frenchman gripped her hip as he enjoyed her pussy. She hummed over the top of
his shaft and used her teeth a little. The Doctor grunted and looked down at
her. “Oh, hey, there you are. Always at work. Lean up, would you, please?”
    Olivia sat up and leaned back into
the researcher’s chest. Her head laid back on his shoulder. He kissed her
necked and took hold of her breasts again.
    Dr. Droll knelt down and said,
“Olivia, dear, does his cock feel long enough to reach where we need it?”
    The Frenchman glared over her
shoulder. “Hey, I’m quite long enough, thank you.”
    Olivia smiled. “I believe he has
sufficient length.”
    The researcher gritted his teeth
and gave two mighty thrusts up into her as she ground her hips. Olivia gasped
and sighed.
    Dr. Droll nodded. “Excellent. Sir,
are you opposed to taking her in the ass?”
    “In the ass?” The Frenchman paused
in his counter thrusts to Olivia’s motion.
    Olivia whispered in his ear. “It’s
for science.”
    The researcher nodded. “Anything
for science. How can I help?”
    “Olivia, will you see to the
transfer, please?”
    “Of course, Doctor.” Olivia lifted
over him and moved him back from her pussy to her ass. The researcher spread
her cheeks apart to help her. He was quite helpful in that regard. He was
nicely lubricated from her pussy and slid right in. As she spread apart, her
weight brought her down and she sat with his balls against her ass and him
buried inside. Olivia reached back and stroked his balls. She parted her
fingers and gripped his cock to feel him inside her.
    “Very good,” Droll said. He spit in
his hand and stroked over his shaft.
    Droll took hold of her stomach just
above her hip and her muscles there quivered under his touch. It surprised her
and brought her a thrill up through her body. She wondered if the sensation
indicated feelings developing for Droll. Science didn’t have an answer or a
test for such things. He slid inside and she felt so full from both cocks.
Without a word, both men took up separate rhythms as they fucked her. She
started counting the intervals and preparing herself for when both slammed into
her simultaneously.
    As the Doctor angled down, she felt
him hit the spot and she moaned.
    “Do you see that, sir?” Dr. Droll
    The Frenchman lifted her breast and
peered under. “What is that now? Up near the front, if I understand the
    “Quite right,” Dr. Droll said.
    “It seemed it would be easier to
strike it with her on her knees.”
    “Sure,” Droll said, “but that is
not the only option.
    Olivia pulled at her nipples and
licked her lips.
    The door to the seating area slid
opened. The porter leaned in and tilted his pillbox hat back. “Do you gentlemen
need anything?”
    Droll slapped into Olivia and said,
“No, I think we have all we need. Thank you.”
    The Frenchman said, “I could eat.
Could I get a beef sandwich with sauce? Maybe a wine too?”
    “Sure.” The porter began to leave.
    Droll tilted his head back. “Wait.
I could use a sandwich too. Wine all around. Olivia, do you care for anything
    Olivia heaved for air as she took
both cocks. “I think I have all the beef and sauce I can handle. Thank

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