The Demon's Song

Read The Demon's Song for Free Online Page B

Book: Read The Demon's Song for Free Online
Authors: Kendra Leigh Castle
Tags: Hearts of the Fallen#1
was mulling what Phenex had said. “You’d think Uriel would have shown up, yes.
     That he hasn’t tells me that it’s either an all-vampire problem, or some kind of vamp-demon
     side project that doesn’t threaten the Balance. Which means we’re on our own.”
    “You mean you . I hunt demons, not vamps.”
    “No, I mean we . You’re blood-bound to protect Terra Noctem now, remember? Whatever threatens it.
     Raum and Meresin are off demon-hunting, but Levi should be back soon from wherever
     he sneaked off to. Caim, Murmur, and Gadreel are just taking up space down there right
     now.” His eyes narrowed. “Especially Gadreel. Which gives me plenty of firepower to
     take care of this before it gets any worse.”
    Phenex grunted. “More than you need for this sort of thing, if you ask me. You know
     we don’t leave much behind but smoking rubble.”
    Justin’s razor-thin smile surprised him. “Which is exactly why I want you on it. An
     example needs to be made, and soon. That should be much easier to accomplish now that
     we actually have survivors.”
    All at once, Phenex got it. Of course Justin had let Sofia run. It even made sense
     in a way he normally would have approved of. But this time, this one time, he found
     himself bothered. It caught him completely off guard.
    “Damn it, Justin, you’re using her as bait?”
    Justin’s brows winged up. “Yes. And?”
    “And nothing. She’s going to end up dead before you figure anything out.” The renegade
     vamp wouldn’t have been alone in the club. His companions would have been out there,
     watching, waiting. Sofia’s flight wouldn’t have gone unnoticed. “Who’s following her?”
    “Daegan, for now. Amir tagged him on his way out.”
    Phenex threw his head back and gave an infuriated growl as he curled his hands into
     fists. “Daegan? Seriously?”
    Justin’s expression darkened, but Phenex ignored it. He didn’t care whether the vampire
     king enjoyed having his decisions questioned or not. It obviously needed to happen
     more often if he was going to do stupid things like this.
    “He was available, and he’s plenty competent,” Justin said flatly.
    “He’s also functionally illiterate and he scratches himself so often you’ve got to
     wonder what he does in his off-hours,” Phenex pointed out. “Daegan. Hellfire, Justin,
     you’ve got better than that!”
    Justin bared his fangs. “If you’ve got a better idea, I suggest you tell me before
     I follow Sofia’s lead and punch you in the throat. Except by ‘punch’ I mean ‘rip out
     your vocal cords so I have some peace until they grow back.’ I’ve found three half-dead
     humans in this place in the last month, and now I’ve got a brand-new accidental vampire
     down below. This is pressing, and I’m not in the mood for any Fallen bullshit right
    Phenex snorted, amused despite himself. Getting under Justin’s skin wasn’t usually
     so easy, but it was always entertaining.
    “Touchy, touchy,” he said.
    “Phenex.” It was, he knew, the final warning before Justin made good on his threat.
     Not that the vampire would win, but he didn’t need any bad blood right now. Not if
     he wanted to get his way without a lot of immortal bitching.
    “It’s simple,” Phenex said. “Call off Daegan. I’ll play bodyguard until you get this
     sorted out.”
    Justin frowned. Blinked. Then frowned even more deeply. “What?”
    “You heard me. I’ll watch her. You’re welcome.”
    “Phenex…” Justin shook his head when he trailed off, then gathered himself to try
     again. “Phenex, that’s…an interesting offer…but I’d rather have you—”
    “Tough shit,” Phenex interjected. The longer this took, the farther away Sofia got.
     “I’d rather be sitting on that beach you and Vivi hooked up at, playing my guitar,
     and getting paid not to do anything. But I’m here, and Sofia needs to stay alive while
     you try to figure out who you need to kill. My

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