The Delaneys At Home

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Book: Read The Delaneys At Home for Free Online
Authors: Anne Brooke
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
pursuing his own style. And, staff member or no staff member, I'd be interested in taking a look."
    "Thank you," said Mark. "That's all we needed to know."
    With that, the conversation moved on to other issues, but my head was too full of what Mark had said about us being family to take any of it in. It was a surprise when Melissa rose to leave.
    "See you on Monday," she said. "Enjoy your weekend, Liam."
    "That depends," Mark muttered, his tone turning darker, "on how he takes his punishment for not telling us the entire truth. Because there has to be a reckoning, you understand, though we remain, of course, reasonable men."
    Melissa merely smiled. "As I said, enjoy your weekend."
    Then she was gone. I heard the murmurs at the front door as I continued waiting in the living room, a bark of laughter--Johnny's--followed by the sound of the door clicking shut and footsteps returning down the hallway.
    Time to face the music, though I still had some ideas of my own. When Mark came back, he strode right up to me, but I didn't give him a chance to speak. Instead, with a swiftness and style I had no idea I even possessed, I fell to my knees, had his zipper down and his cock in my mouth before he could even think of the words: you'd better take what's coming and like it, Liam.
    He groaned and clutched at me as I sucked him to hardness, but I didn't hear any objections, and he didn't push me away, so I kept on going.
    "Liam?" he said after a few moments of thrusting and sucking.
    I didn't know if the command for silence still applied and assumed discretion was still the better part of valor. In any case, with a mouthful of cock, saying anything sensible would have been impossible. Not that it mattered, as Mark continued to talk as he worked my throat.
    "because you..."
    "give a bloody good..."
    Another thrust.
    Suck and lick. God, I was good.
    "it doesn't mean to say..."
    Thrust, and...
    "Arrgghhh, yes!"
    Salt, warmth and his glorious man-taste on my tongue and down my throat, oh yes.
    Mark stepped back, cock dripping where I hadn't been able to swallow everything. He rocked a little, eyes bright and forehead beaded with sweat, before gathering himself and leaning forward to where I continued to kneel at his feet.
    He coughed.
    "It doesn't mean to say you're in any way off the hook, my friend."
    Ah. That's what made him a successful gangster and me an art-gallery attendant. As Johnny's steadying hand came to rest on my shoulder, I prepared myself for a night--I hoped--to remember.
    * * * *
    I should have known the Delaneys would never let me down. Upstairs, Mark led the way to his bedroom, and Johnny and I scampered along behind, as was becoming usual. Once inside, Mark switched on the light and then pressed a button on the wall I hadn't noticed before.
    Before I could blink, I heard a low grinding sound and the ceiling above the bed shifted. Subtle lines appeared and a large section began to lower itself toward the floor, leaving a gap above where mysterious glimmers and shadows moved.
    Speechless, I stared as the contraption dropped over the bed and slotted itself into place. Iron bars formed into a cage, which to me looked strong enough to contain the most hardened criminal the Delaneys might come across. Either that or there'd been some very serious sex play going on in their past, which the rumor mill hadn't yet picked up on. I honestly wasn't sure which was more worrisome.
    "You see," Mark's voice whispered in my ear, making me shiver, "this is what happens when people we know keep things from us about themselves. Important things..."
    "What?" I said, unable to help myself. "You lock them up until they see the error of their ways? Or do you..."
    I wasn't sure I could bring myself to complete the sentence echoing in my head, but Johnny was ahead of me.
    "My brother always did have a taste for the dramatic," he said, "but no, he's never used this for getting rid of

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