The Debt 4

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Book: Read The Debt 4 for Free Online
Authors: Kelly Favor
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
her heart
racing once again, and she turned the television on, put the volume up
slightly.   Jimmy Fallon was doing
some kind of song and dance routine, dressed in a tuxedo, hat and cane.   Beneath him, the words to a song were
scrolling across the bottom of the screen.
    Raven was hardly paying attention, until
she saw Jake’s name scrolling, as if it was actually part of the song.
    And then she realized this was some kind
of parody song using Jake’s rant as lyrics to accompany Somewhere Over The
Rainbow.   Jimmy Fallon was singing
and dancing as he sang those horrible words, and the crowd was hysterically
God , Raven thought,
feeling slightly ill.   It was
getting worse and worse the longer Jake stayed silent and failed to respond to
his video.   He was becoming a joke,
and that was worse than being hated for nasty things you’d once said.
    A knock on the door to the hotel room
interrupted her spiraling train of thought.
    Raven was instantly unnerved and on
alert, because of how late it was.   She got out of bed as the knock came again.   She tiptoed towards the door.
    “I can hear you creeping around in there,
Raven,” Jake’s voice came through the door.
    “I didn’t know it was you,” she told him.  
    “Open up,” he said.
    She wanted to see him, but she was afraid.   It had been a long, hard and difficult
day.   Tomorrow would likely be
worse, and Jake was already short of patience with her.
    “Maybe we should just talk in the
morning, Jake.   We’re both
    “Speak for yourself.   I worked out and had coffee just an hour
ago, feel like I could climb a damn mountain.   Open up , Raven .   Come on.”
    She sighed.   “I’m not even dressed.”
    “Like that’s anything new.”
    She smiled a little, despite her
misgivings, and then she opened the door, feeling a little excited in
truth.   She wanted him to see her in
nothing but this t-shirt, to look at her bare legs, maybe to wonder what was
underneath it.
    Nothing… That ’s
what was beneath her shirt.
    She backed away from the door as Jake
came inside and shut it behind him.   He was dressed in jeans and a plain t-shirt, but as usual, looked like
he’d just stepped out of a music video.
    His eyes took her in greedily, and she
could tell he was charged up.
    “What were you doing before I knocked?”
he asked, picking up the remote and turning on the TV in the living area.  
    “Trying to sleep,” she said.   “And failing miserably.”
    “Yeah, sleep is overrated.”   He turned to Fallon, but the segment was
finished and now Jimmy was talking to Questlove.
    She glanced at Jake’s face to see if he
was upset.   “Did you see it?” she
asked him.
    He gave her a look.   “Did I see what?”
    “Jimmy Fallon’s sketch about you.”
    “Yeah, some of it.”   He didn’t say anything else.   His eyes looked her up and down, not
bothering to hide his intentions.
    Raven sensed that Jake was boiling over
with pent up aggression, and she had some idea of what he wanted from her.   She was both bothered and turned on by
that knowledge.   She didn’t want to
just be his outlet, she wanted more than that.
    But she was also excited by the idea of
him taking all of his frustration out on her, touching her, spanking, grabbing,
and maybe…maybe…doing more than that in the end.
    She became a little unnerved by his
unapologetic stare and moved away from him, walking to the mini-bar and opening
it.   “Want anything?”
    “What I want right now isn’t in that
refrigerator,” he said.
    She knew what he meant, and it made her
nipples stiffen beneath her shirt.   She ignored his comment, grabbed herself a Diet Coke and then opened it,
drinking the cold, bubbling liquid.
    “Listen, Jake, I wanted to apologize
about my attitude earlier,” she said, wiping her lips with the back of her
    “I get it,” Jake said, watching her.   “Under these kinds of circumstances
we’re all going to have our

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