The Death of Integrity

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Book: Read The Death of Integrity for Free Online
Authors: Guy Haley
Tags: Fiction, General, Science-Fiction, Action & Adventure, Military
the Novamarines Third, and master of strike cruiser Ceaseless Vigilance . Captain Aresti commands our Fifth Company, and is master also of Corvo’s Hammer . Epistolary Ranial, Chaplain Odon and Master of the Forge Clastrin make up the others of the senior initiates you see here. Master of Astropaths Feldiol, Fleet Chief Lord Navigator Gulfindan Van Heem of House Meld, and my principal serf aides Artermin and Holstak. Finally, Major-domo Polanczek. Should you require anything while you are here, please direct your requests to him.’
    ‘Anything at all, my lords,’ said Polanczek with a deep bow. He looked behind the blood-red warriors quizzically. ‘You have brought no servants, no Chapter serfs in attendance?’
    Caedis essayed his slow smile again. ‘No, major-domo, we have not.’
    ‘Then I shall assign men to you for your stay, my lord.’ He clapped his hands, and serfs dressed in the livery of the Novamarines stepped forward briskly. ‘Come, we have refreshments awaiting you.’
    ‘We thank you,’ said Caedis. ‘I am sure the others are as thirsty as I.’
    The banquet took place in Galt’s quarters. Diplomacy was a part of the art of war, Guilliman himself had written, and thus the master of the ship’s dwelling space incorporated audience rooms and the like. Galt’s personal rooms were spartan, in keeping with the temper of his Chapter. In contrast the Hall of Welcome where the Novamarines entertained the Blood Drinkers was lavishly appointed. Friezes of the deeds of Lucretius Corvo, founder of the Novamarines, filled every wall. The ceiling sported twin domes, both filled edge to edge with cunning trompe l’oeil. The one above the feasting Space Marines depicted an allegorical interpretation of the Emperor’s ascension. Clad in golden armour, the Lord of Mankind reached up to the sky pointing to where, upon a cloud, a golden throne shot out rays of light, his other hand reached for outstretched hands rising below him, showing his reluctance to leave the mortal world. Winged vat-children of the Adeptus Mechanicus hurried his ascent. His down-turned face was full of authority and regret. The dome nearer the door showed Roboute Guilliman – primarch of the Ultramarines, and through their descent from the Ultramarines, also of the Novamarines. The image depicted him as a thinker, at work in his cell on the Codex Astartes while generals and lords of all kinds waited in animated discussion for his wisdom to be delivered.
    Caedis sat in the place of honour to Galt’s right. Care had been made by Major-domo Polanczek to assure the visiting Chapter Master’s high rank was recognised, so although his throne was on an exact level with Galt’s, it was far more heavily decorated.
    ‘We were beginning to lose hope,’ Caedis was saying. Despite his protestations of thirst, he ate and drank sparingly of the dishes laid before him. ‘We have been tracking the Death of Integrity for nearly three decades, following a trail of infested worlds, always one step behind. Our astrometric data presented us with a pattern that our Master of the Forge was able to untangle somewhat, giving us projected destinations and worlds under threat.’ He sighed, and pushed at the meat on his plate with a silver fork. ‘But we were always too late, arriving after the hulk had departed, and thus our frustrations grew. We were fortunate three months ago, when we were able to confront the creatures in their lair. Epistolary Guinian tore the mind-scent from the thoughts of their young. Only then could we follow the hulk with certainty through the warp, and predict where it would next emerge. I am greatly relieved we have caught it. The worlds we have cleansed thus far are of minor importance, but this is the hulk’s third appearance in proximity to Vol Secundus. A genestealer infestation within the hives there would have been disastrous, and sown the seeds of a greater contagion that perhaps only a crusade could have

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