The Dark Age

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Book: Read The Dark Age for Free Online
Authors: Traci Harding
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Romance, Historical, Fantasy
must know about a great many things I do not.’
    â€˜And personal trainer,’ Tory added, holding up her hand for a high-five.
    Maelgwn looked puzzled but crouched down, holding his hand up in the same fashion.
    â€˜Slap it,’ she bade him, and Maelgwn obliged with good force. ‘There you go.’ Tory punched his shoulder in assurance as she lay down. ‘Goodnight.’
    Maelgwn sat pondering on his state of affairs, still fairly drunk and stimulated by the day’s events. The Dragon returns . The thought came to him from nowhere, accompanied by a feeling of certainty that he hadn’t felt since he was a boy of fifteen and had reclaimed his father’s kingdom from his treacherous uncle. Whatever had guided him through that dire time was with him now. He wondered why the King had summoned him home, and what so many Saxons were doing this far west? There was indeed something afoot, but what ?
    Maelgwn lay down on his side to look at Tory, who was already asleep. ‘I believe I was intended to meet thee, also.’

    C ome sunup, the camp was alive with activity as gear was packed on the horses. The knights had been campaigning for many months and were eager to begin the final leg of their journey home.
    Cadogan entered the tent and went down on one knee to wake his lord. Yet he was distracted by Tory’s shapely form lying to one side of the Prince, and lent over to view her more closely.
    â€˜What doth thou want, Cadogan?’
    The knight was startled by Maelgwn’s voice. ‘We should go, Sire.’
    The Prince sat up, a little woozy at first. ‘We shan’t be long,’ he instructed, motioning his messenger to the door.
    Cadogan dipped his head in response and quickly withdrew.
    Maelgwn paused before waking Tory, observing how peaceful she looked — not harrowed or threatened as she had been most of the previous day. ‘Tory.’ He shook her gently. ‘It be time to leave.’ As Tory began to awake, Maelgwn started to strap on his armour.
    â€˜Oh God,’ Tory moaned, trying to lift her head. ‘I would never have imagined it possible for my body to ache this much.’ She gasped and fell back onto the fur.
    Maelgwn took hold of her around the waist and hoisted her up. ‘Apologies for my means, but we seek to reach Castell Degannwy by evening, home to many of these men.’ He helped Tory on with her backpack, placed her sax case in her hand, and turned her around. ‘Thee understands, they art in a hurry.’ He guided her outside.
    Tory, still half asleep, saw Jeven rushing up to her, with an apple and a large piece of bread in his hands. ‘For the ride,’ he explained, handing them to her coyly.
    Tory was touched by the gesture. ‘Jeven, thou art an angel, I swear.’
    Jeven blushed as he passed her a water bottle made of animal skin. He then bowed and quickly took his leave before any of the others noticed them together.
    â€˜So thou art coming with us?’ Brockwell’s voice boomed behind her.
    Tory took her time turning around to face him. ‘Thy Prince hast offered me a job,’ she answered, not fazed by his tone.
    Cadogan, who overheard her reply, laughed. ‘I bet he did.’
    Neither Tory nor Brockwell appreciated the remark, folding their arms as they glared at him. Maelgwn also caught the comment and approached Cadogan, gripping hold of his knight round the back of the neck. ‘Doth thou have a problem, Sir Cadogan?’
    Cadogan froze, realising his impiety. ‘Nay, Majesty.’ He closed his eyes, annoyed at himself, as the Prince released him.
    â€˜Pleased to hear it.’ Maelgwn turned his attention from the troublemaker to address all his men. ‘Let us make haste if we wish to reach Degannwy by nightfall.’
    At his word, all made for their mounts. Tory took up her things, chasing after Brockwell. ‘Wait.’
    He turned around,

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