The Criminal Escapades of Geoffrey Larkin

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the most painful. He had one hand holding his throbbing penis while passing urine uncontrollably through his fingers leaving a dark, damp stain on his pyjama trouser legs, or his painful ear, which he covered with his other hand.
    Meanwhile, the dormitory was in an uproar of jeering and shouting attracting the attention of the live-in teacher. Someone had turned on the lights and several of the older boys were poking fun at the bully as he hopped around the room obviously in great discomfort. The look on Sid Locket’s face as he cursed the brothers, along with the evil glint in his eyes, did not bode well for them in the future. It was obvious they would now be targeted, and would not be allowed to get off lightly for their spirited resistance.
    The following day was Thursday. It was jam pudding day and Geoff knew that it was more than likely that Sidney Locket would make a point in front of the rest of the school to recover his reputation by demanding his pudding.
    Geoff had a plan forming in his mind and he was prepared to put it into practice in the event of the confrontation with Sidney Locket, which would no doubt take place. He was gambling, after the previous night’s incident, that he could call upon, and receive, the help of the two Bolton brothers.
    True to form, Sidney Locket was first in the queue for the jam pudding. He gulped his food down in great mouthfuls, quickly finishing his before some of the others at his table had even started theirs.
    As Geoff, after collecting his sweet, sat down on the wooden form at the dining table, he was aware of the large overpowering presence of Locket standing behind him.
    Locket did not say a word. He just leant forward over Geoff, took his plate containing his portion of pudding and custard, and slipped his own empty plate in its place. He then stepped back and prepared himself for some reaction from Geoff. Those on the table on either side stopped eating, waiting in expectation of a scuffle or perhaps a fight, even though it would be a one-sided contest considering the size of Sid Locket and the puny frame of his opponent.
    Geoff did nothing; he just sat there looking at the empty plate in front of him. Locket made a sneering remark, ‘Scared little runt!’ as he smirked at those watching him nearby then strutted back to his own place several tables away.
    Geoff looked up. The Bolton brothers were leaving their table with their empty dishes and taking them to where all the dirty plates were collected. Taking the empty plate left by Locket, he moved to join the queue behind them.
    He had only just placed himself behind John Bolton when there was a tremendous scream from the table where Locket sat. The bully had delved with gusto into the second helping of his favourite pudding. He had already scooped up four great spoonfuls of the sticky pudding into his mouth; the sweet flavoured jam had hidden the taste of the extensive amount of mustard Geoff had pumped into the jam roly-poly, until the extreme fiery feeling suddenly exploded in the bully’s stomach, lungs and tongue.
    The scream that followed was not a long one; because Sid Locket was busy gulping water straight from the jug on the centre of the table in a vain attempt to quench the feeling of being on fire that had spread through his intestines.
    The large amount of water that he swallowed had little effect on the intense burning sensation he was experiencing. His face was now bright red and his eyes seemed as if they were bulging from their sockets. When he tried to shout all that he could manage was a faint croaking sound. The rest of the lads in the canteen were rolling about with laughter at the antics of the dormitory bully, as he scrambled amongst the dining tables looking for more drinking water, in a last ditch attempt to ease the terrible pain he was now suffering, it was if the inside of his stomach was ablaze.
    Sid Locket had been severely humiliated twice in the last few days in front of

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