O’Neill had already reached the door. As he stepped outside, Parsons called, “Hey, Frank! Wait a minute!” and ran out after him.
Jamison sat at the table alone, still frightened, telling himself he would never again be party to a practical joke.
It wasn’t until a half hour later that he realized the joke was on him.
He told himself it couldn’t be.
Then he sat for another half hour.
Then he went to the nearest police station and told a detective named Arthur Brown the story.
Brown listened patiently and then took a description of the two professional coin-matchers who had conned Jamison out of $235.
P. T. Barnum rolled over in his grave, chuckling.
The Missing Persons Bureau is a part of the Detective Division, and so the two men Bert Kling talked to were detectives.
One was called Ambrose.
The other was called Bartholdi.
“Naturally,” Bartholdi said, “we got nothing to do here but concern ourselves with floaters.”
“Naturally,” Ambrose said.
“We only got reports on sixteen missing kids under the age of ten today, but we got nothing to do but worry about a stiff been in the water for six months.”
“Four months,” Kling corrected.
“Pardon me,” Bartholdi said.
“With dicks from the 87th,” Ambrose said, “you got to be careful. You slip up by a couple of months, they jump down your throat. They got very technical flatfoots at the 87th.”
“We try our hardest,” Kling said drily.
“Humanitarians all,” Bartholdi said. “They worry about floaters. They got concern for the human race.”
“Us,” Ambrose said, “all we got to worry about is the three-year-old kids who vanish from their front stoops. That’s all we got to worry about.”
“You’d think I was asking to spend the night with your sister,” Kling said. “All I want is a look at your files.”
“I’d rather you spent the night with my sister,” Bartholdi said. “You might be disappointed since she’s only eight years old, but I’d still rather.”
“It ain’t that we don’t believe in interdepartmental cooperation,” Ambrose said. “There ain’t nothing we like better than helping out fellow flatfoots. Ain’t that a fact, Romeo?”
Romeo Bartholdi nodded. “Tell him about our war record, Mike.”
Ambrose said, “It was us who went to the Pacific after World War II to help clear up all that unidentified dead problem.”
“If you cleaned up the whole Pacific Theater,” Kling said, “you should be able to help me with one floater.”
“The trouble with flatfoots,” Bartholdi said, “is they got no heads for clerical work. We’ve got a dandy filing system here, you see? If we let dicks from all over the city come in and foul it up, we’d never be able to identify anybody anymore.”
“Well, I’m glad you’ve got such a real nice filing system,” Kling said. “Do you plan on keeping it a secret from the rest of the department, or will you throw open the files during Open School Week?”
“Another thing I like about the bulls from the 87th,” Ambrose said, “is that they are all so comical. When one of them is around, you can hardly keep from wetting your pants.”
“With glee,” Bartholdi said.
“That’s what makes a good cop,” Ambrose expanded. “Humor, humaneness, and devotion to detail.”
“Plus, the patience of Job,” Kling said. “Do I get a peek at the goddamn files, or don’t I?”
“Temper, temper,” Bartholdi said.
“How far back do you want to go?” Ambrose asked.
“About six months.”
“I thought she was in the water for only four?”
“She may have been reported missing before then.”
“Clever, clever,” Bartholdi said. “God, this city would fall to smoldering ashes were it not for the 87th Precinct.”
“All right, screw you,” Kling said, turning. “I’ll tell the lieutenant your files aren’t open for our inspection. So long, fellers.”
“He’s running home to mama,” Bartholdi said, unfazed.