The Christmas Catch

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Book: Read The Christmas Catch for Free Online
Authors: Ginny Baird
Christine’s strong throwing arm. She’d invited him over for lunch the next day to compensate for whipping his tail in the competition. The next few days were lost in a blur of chats over coffee and prolonged Lego games with Tyler.
    Now, here they were, all huddled up indoors beside a roaring fire and after a dinner of homemade stew. It’s like stepping into a greeting card, John thought, his eyes lingering on Christine. She was beautiful in the firelight and the more he was around her, the more he wanted to be with her. She was captivating and sincere, and she had a sense of humor he appreciated. They could talk about everything in the world or nothing at all, just sitting in companionable silence. She was just as much fun as Carlos to be around, though John was betting she was a better kisser. Not that he’d be comparing the two, it was just odd for John to consider that a person could appeal to him in a womanly way and also act like a best friend. John was longing to get more than friendly with Christine. During their few moments alone, he’d actually considered making a move, but he’d stopped himself, weighing the impact on Tyler.
    If things deepened between him and Christine, what would that mean? He clearly couldn’t lead her on by engaging in some casual fling, when the outcome might be devastating for them all. Christine was loving yet firm with Tyler, and naturally a very protective mom. She wouldn’t want to expose the boy to any fallout from a short-term affair any more than John would.
    “When does Santa come again?” Tyler asked, still munching.
    “Not until you’re fast asleep,” Christine answered.
    “Did you ask for something special?” John asked the boy.
    “Mommy says it’s best to let life surprise you.”
    “Does she now?”
    Christine blushed mightily under John’s appreciative perusal. She really was lovely that way. It seemed to embarrass her that any man might cast an admiring eye her way. John wasn’t sure how any guy in his right mind could stop himself.
    Christine stood, collecting cooking supplies. “Ty, you’d best head upstairs and wash up. It’s getting late and tomorrow is a big day.” She turned to John. “Will you excuse me a minute while I tuck him in?”
    “Maybe I should get going,” John said, standing as well.
    “No, don’t.” Her expression softened. “What I mean is, please stay. I won’t be but a minute.”
    “Well, all right. Just for a bit.”
    Tyler twisted his lips and surveyed them both.
    “Is John sleeping over?” he asked his mom.
    John felt heat scorch the back of his neck as Christine flushed red.
    “Oh no, honey,” she sputtered quickly. “That’s not what I meant.”
    Tyler stuck out his bottom lip. “Why can’t he sleep over? He can stay in my room.”
    John smiled kindly at the child. “Maybe some other time, little buddy. Okay?”
    “Promise?” Tyler asked, his face lighting up.
    “We’ll talk about it later,” Christine said firmly, herding him toward the stairs. “Now come on, up to bed with you!”
    Tyler turned with disappointment and slowly climbed each step.
    Mason slunk out of the corner and stealthily followed after him.
    “Mason, get back down here,” John ordered.
    The dog turned his head with a petitioning look.
    “Please?” Tyler pleaded. “Just for a little while?”

    When Christine came back downstairs she found the great room spotless. She entered the kitchen to find John drying the last of the dinner dishes.
    “How nice,” she exclaimed with surprise. “You really didn’t have to.”
    “I have a skill set,” he said. “Just because I’m a male that doesn’t mean I don’t know my way around the kitchen.”
    John didn’t have to remind Christine what sex he was. Every time he centered his blue gaze on hers, she remembered through and through. He was so capable at so many things it sent her heart awhirl. She just bet the women were after him in this tiny town, probably in all of greater

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