The Centurion's Empire
but none volunteered.
    Each time the load thudded against the cliff the two thieves were wedged even more tightly in among the other sacks. Both began to feel something akin to seasickness, but to throw up would be to alert the guards at once. They breathed deeply and clamped their jaws as the wicker hand and its load swung and bumped. Presently they could hear the clopping of horses around a windlass track, then the bumping against the cliff stopped as the rope grew shorter. The slave shouted directions and the load was swung over the edge and lowered to the ground. As the hooks were detached from the netting, the crane's supervisor locked the gear mechanism and released the horses from the windlass. The guards helped lead the horses back to the palace stables, leaving Lacerna to haul the sacks in under cover. Even after it had been quiet for some time the two thieves remained motionless in their sacks.
    "It's me, Lacerna," the slave finally called as he passed near them. "I'm alone again, but wait till I carry your sacks into the store before you get out."
    He was strong and efficient, carrying two sacks at a time on a yoke across his shoulders. Within an hour he had the entire load under cover, while Lars and Vespus extricated themselves and unpacked their gear.
    "Where do we stay?" asked Lars.
    "That bag by the door has a map and some provisions. Follow it to the ruined lookout tower on the far side of this hill. I've left more food there, and hay to sleep under. Stay there, but don't light a fire. Dig a deep privy hole and keep it well covered. Don't let telltale scents give you away, because guard dog patrols are sent out each morning."
    "Guard dogs! They could track us from tonight's footprints."
    "No, more snow is falling now, and that should cover your scent. Just to be sure I'll carry you both a few hundred paces clear of this place on my yoke."
    "How long must we stay in the tower?" asked Lars.
    "Some days. I'll come past and tell you when to move."
    "Days?" exclaimed Vespus softly. "Why so long?"
    "There's a big meeting soon, but I don't know the date
    yet. The inner area of Nusquam, the Upper Palace, will be sealed while they all get together and debate in some strange language. Every Immortal on the mountain will be in the main hall, so the rest of the Upper Palace will be yours to plunder as you will." "What about guards?"
    "Mortal guards are not allowed in the Upper Palace, only slaves of dull wit—and slaves who feign to be so. I presume that Immortals are on patrol there, but during the great meeting even these will probably be withdrawn. Get past the outer walls, frozen moat, and the guard perimeter, and you'll have a free hand. Now that you're up over the cliff the whole of Nusquam should be open to the likes of you. There's not been one intrusion in all my time here, so the guards are lax."
    "And what about this oil that we're supposed to steal? Where is it kept?"
    "Oil? How should I know? I've carried load after load of bugs and beetles into the Upper Palace for fifteen years, but never seen what comes out."
    Vespus took a tiny glass phial of oil from his pack and uncorked it. "Have you seen or smelted the like of this before?" The slave sniffed the contents of the phial. "Never," he said at once. "What's it for?"
    "We were not told. I presume it's what their physicians brew out of all those sacks of insects that you carry. The man who hired us will pay plenty for a larger supply."
    The slave shrugged and shook his head, then began to bundle up the sacks that they had hidden in. "Take these with you and use them for bedding."
    "One last word," said Vespus. "Suppose something happens to you, and you can't reach us?"
    "In that case, wait seven days then do as best you can." The slave hefted the yoke and placed it over his shoulders. A leather loop hung from each end. "Step into the straps now, and I'll carry you clear of this place." Nusquam, 21 December 71, Anno Domini
    Regulus broke the wax seal behind

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