The Catherine Kimbridge Chronicles #4, Retribution

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Book: Read The Catherine Kimbridge Chronicles #4, Retribution for Free Online
Authors: Andrew Beery
.“ Si r … We are currently facing something on the order of nine thousand enemy vessels . ”
    “ Confirm nine thousand ! ” Commander Decker barked from his forward station.
    “ Nine thousand confirmed, sir . ”
    “ And it is just beginnin g, ” Commodore Ruck mumbled.
    Suddenly the ship bucked wildly. The lights flickered and resumed. The battle klaxon signaled a damage alert.
    “ Kill the Klaxon ! ” Jason yelled .“ Report ! ”
    Dexter, the shi p’ s AI, responded .“ The Mador was caught in a secondary backwash. A Modos dreadnaught microjumped at the same time an SJ round from the Rutledge was deployed . ”
    “ And the dreadnaught ? ”
    “ Disabled, sir. Multiple escape pods have been launched. The Modos fleet is maneuvering to avoid them . ”
    “ Scan the escape pods. Any signs of life on any of them ? ”
    “ Negative , ” the AI responded .“ I am, however, detecting fissionable material consistent with a low-yield nuclear device . ”
    Jason slammed his palm onto the fleet-wide intercom .“ Attention flee t … scan for survivors before pickin g …”
    “ SIR ! ” Ensign Riker interrupted .“ The Timkim... It's gone ! ”
    “ What happened ? ”
    “ They were rescuing jettisoned escape pods and one just exploded . ”
    Jason shook his head and continued his fleet-wide message .“ Scan for life signs before attempting to pick up escape pods. Some, if not all, appear to be booby-trapped . ”
    Jason looked at his XO .“ It appears our enemy knows our weaknesses . ”

    Chapter Fiv e – Unseen Eyes...
    Debbu hopped toward the front screen of his classroom. Like all members of the freedom fighters on Naanac, and especially within the city of Harromog, he had an official position assigned by their Modos overlords. His was that of an instructo r – specifically economics, with a subspecialty in forced acquisitions. He held the equivalent of what his new allies in the GCP would call a doctorate. He taught at multiple campuses, but they were all part of a larger system called Blue Devil University. Blue Devils were an especially aggressive fish that were known for their fight. Debbu took comfort in the irony and symbolism provided by working at BDU.
    He tapped a series of homework assignments on the screen. Turning to face his students, he bowed to the twenty-three young Modos who occupied their respective seats. They were well behaved in class because their parents dealt with disrespect most harshly, but Debbu was under no illusions. If he encountered most of his pupils off campus they would delight in any shame and humiliation they could bring to bear. He though t“ mos t ” because there were two who seemed less inclined to follow the official party line than the others. One of his teaching techniques was the use of ethical debates. Invariably these two would argue the contra-syndicate position more passionately than the pro-syndicate.
    “ Please be aware , ” he said to the listening students ,“ that you r‘ eminent domai n ’ reports are due this fourth-day. The winning paper will be entered in the Chairma n’ s Bowl for a chance to attend an actual board meeting of the Syndicate. Let that be your incentive to excel at this most important task . ”
    He paused and looked at his students and assumed what he hoped was a properly respectful expression.
    “ May profit guide you in all your endeavors. Class dismissed , ” he said, using the traditional benediction required by the school.
    As the students filed their way out of the classroom, Debbu reached into his desk and pulled out a special pair of reading glasses. His people, an amphibious race, generally had perfect eyesight and he was no exception. That said, his eyes, like all those of his race were designed to focus close up while under water and at a longer distance while on dry land. In order to have near-field vision for reading while on land, glasses needed to be worn.
    These particular glasses were very

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