The Calling

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Book: Read The Calling for Free Online
Authors: Alison Bruce
Tags: Mystery
Paulette couldn’t think of anywhere. ‘You choose.’
    ‘Prêt à Manger maybe? Then I can check out the CDs in HMV.’
    ‘That’s, like, a mile and a half.’
    ‘No, it actually is a mile and a half.’
    ‘Right.’ Paulette withdrew her hand from his arm and sank it into her pocket. ‘I get really bored in there.’
    ‘Oh, come on, we’ll have a brisk walk and I’ll spend ten minutes maximum.’ He grinned again and gave her a sudden hug. ‘Is just ten minutes OK?’
    Her mood evaporated. ‘Charmer!’
    ‘Great, we’ll go there first, then we’ve got the rest of lunchtime to ourselves.’
    Paulette checked her watch as Pete began flicking through the CDs. It was now 12.26 p.m. She hung close beside him for the first few minutes, waiting for him to chat to her. Eventually he paused to inspect a Corrs disc.
    ‘They’re not your type,’ she joked.
    He didn’t even reply.
    She pulled the case from his hand. ‘OK, then, which one do you fancy most?’
    He held out his hand for it, but she kept it out of reach. ‘Oh, I don’t know,’ he conceded.
    He turned back to carry on looking through some other CDs, and Paulette dropped it back into its slot.
    Pete lifted it back out. ‘The singer’s attractive, very sultry.’
    ‘Would it suit me to have my hair done that colour?’
    ‘I don’t know. I think you’d look ill. Anyway she’s a celebrity.’
    ‘And what’s that supposed to mean?’
    ‘Nothing, except she’s going to look more glamorous.’
    ‘I can look glamorous.’
    ‘I never said you couldn’t. What is your problem, anyway? She’s attractive but I don’t fancy her. And so what if I did – do you really feel threatened by someone’s photo?’
    ‘No, of course not.’
    ‘You’re getting jealous again.’
    ‘No, I’m not.’ Paulette checked her watch again:12.30 p.m. ‘Can we go?’
    ‘In a minute.’ He again turned his back on her and began browsing the next section.
    ‘Well, I’ll be over by the magazines,’ she snapped. ‘I don’t need to waste my lunch hour like this.’
    The magazine rack was loaded with music and fashion titles, and Paulette picked up the latest issue of Red and turned to the article she’d already noticed in her own copy. She held the magazine as though she were reading it, but kept it tilted so that anyone nearby could see the bold title Single and Loving It!
    She watched him go over to pay the cashier, but then, instead of coming across to her, he waited at the door. ‘Shit,’ she said, and a teenager looked up at her from the rack of games. She sauntered across to the cash desk and paid for the magazine.
    ‘Don’t worry about a bag.’
    She rejoined Pete, who didn’t appear to notice the magazine rolled up in her hand, but began heading back towards Dunwold Insurance.
    ‘What about lunch?’ Paulette called after him, and then ran to catch up with him.
    He kept on walking. ‘I’ve had a busy morning, and I was really looking forward to seeing you, but I didn’t need all of this hassle.’
    Paulette tugged at his elbow. ‘I’m sorry.’
    ‘You’ve spoilt it.’
    ‘Please, Pete, I’m sorry, really I am. You took it the wrong way. I never meant to turn it into a big deal.’ She had to make him stop and listen to her. They had to sort this out before he got back to work. A lump had risen in her throat but, instead of fighting it, she let it turn to tears. ‘Please,’ she insisted.
    He stopped and glared at her, and then his expression softened. ‘Paulette, you’re pretty and you’ve got a great smile, but you’ve also got to stop getting jealous all the time. I can’t cope with it. It isn’t what I want to deal with, and it’s become a big problem.’
    ‘I know.’ Paulette nodded. ‘I’m sorry.’ She stretched up and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. ‘Forgive me?’
    He nodded. ‘OK.’
    ‘I’ll see you later, then?’
    ‘OK,’ he repeated. She held his hand tightly until she’d walked back into

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