The Bond That Ties Us

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Book: Read The Bond That Ties Us for Free Online
Authors: Christine D'Abo
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
I may head that way. I’m quite hungry.”
    “Why don’t I join you? I know several of the restaurants.”
    “Thank you. That’s wonderful of you to offer. But perhaps I will pass for tonight. I really just wanted to find something light to eat and head back to my room to sleep. It really has been an exhausting journey.” She knew she spoke too quickly, but the words tripped out of her.
    His faced darkened, but only for a moment.
    “Of course. Very inconsiderate of me. Perhaps we can pick this up tomorrow.”
    “That would very nice. Thank you.”
    Donaldson pursed his lips a moment and tapped his finger across them. His gaze traveled from her face down her bare neck and back up. “If memory serves, and it usually does, there is a Briel restaurant that is quite good. Plants cooked with Briel spices and such. You should try that.”
    Haylie would have agreed to eat Eurus dust to escape their conversation at that point. “That sounds wonderful. Straight down this hall?” Actually straight down the hall and to the right according to her memory of the station schematics.
    “Yes. We call it the market, but it’s more of a bazaar. Quite unusual for an Earth colony. But we like to do things differently around here. “
    “Thank you so much, Administrator.”
    Haylie began to turn away, when Donaldson’s voice stopped her cold.
    “Please, call me Sean.”
    Her voice froze, so she turned and nodded instead.
    “Excellent. Let’s continue this tomorrow. Your office, oh-nine-hundred hours.”
    It took all her concentration to keep uneasiness out of her voice. “I’ll see you then.
    Goodnight, Sean.”
    It was only once Donaldson moved away that Haylie was able to breathe easier.
    There was something about him that didn’t sit right, something that sent nervous shivers through her body. The fact that he’d gotten to her was saying something. There really wasn’t any reason for her to react that way either. Sean had been perfectly amiable, even in the face of her refusing his dinner offer. Haylie shook her head and made her way down the hall. At least she’d gotten an idea of where to eat. A Briel restaurant might give her some insight into Kamran.

    Haylie turned the corner and had to stop short. Holy shit, look at everyone . The bazaar reminded her of an old-fashioned market she’d seen back on Earth when she was a kid.
    While it lacked the dirt and distinct smell of cows, this place had the same energy.
    Booths weaved in and around restaurants, their merchants calling to anyone close enough to hear, promising to sell them a wonder. She hadn’t realized trade with the other colonies in this sector was this heavy. Miners, engineers and other support staff were all gathered around. The aisles were narrow and while the majority of people who were trying to push their way through were human, there were several other races moving about as well. She heard competing music coming from several bars off to her right. Interesting . Those weren’t in the original schematics. She wondered how many other changes she’d find.
    After a few minutes of investigating, she managed to find the place Donaldson had mentioned. Calling it a restaurant, though, was a bit of a misnomer. The semi-circular preparation area was most of the establishment. The Briel apparently didn’t sit while they ate, since chairs were missing from the tall tables that formed the eating area. A few Briel guards stood quietly to the side, guns tucked neatly in their holsters as they silently consumed their meals.
    Haylie stood and stared at the strange array of food in front of her. The merchant turned toward her, with an expectant look.
    “I have absolutely no idea what to order.”
    One of the Briel solders came up beside her and spoke in a language she didn’t recognize.
    “Pardon me?” Haylie said, surprised once again at the size of the Briel. His hair had the same black color as Kamran’s, but he wore it longer. His body was taller, his

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