The Blue People of Cloud Planet

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Book: Read The Blue People of Cloud Planet for Free Online
Authors: Brian Wolfenden
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Fantasy, Exploration, Space Exploration
metres directly above the door.
    As the lander started descending it was dwarfed by the huge starship below. The astronauts looked back and forth excitedly from the starship to the mimic displays in the dome. They were now just below the outer rim of the ion engine and descending between the two graceful fins. Then the bay door appeared level with their right side. Meanwhile, Zec-1 and Zec-C constantly confirmed speeds and height and alignment until the caterpillar treads on the lander touched down on the bay floor and the locking ovals mated and sealed. The huge door now closed and sealed but there was no necessity to pressurise the lander compartment as the astronauts could deplane using the through airlock command seat system as they had done on the roof of Moon Base. As they stepped out of the lander’s seats and took their first weightless steps on the starship, Commander AJ greeted them and led them into a four seat maglev buggy.
    ‘Weightlessness might be fun but getting around this starship is by taxi only.’ AJ instructed and when they were seated and ‘belted up’ he touched the screen for dome and the buggy silently moved forward to LifeSeeker-1’s command centre.
    The bulkhead door hissed open and the buggy containing AJ, Olivia and Scott stopped and the two astronauts stared out into the dome.
     Nothing, absolutely nothing could prepare them for the spectacular vista and they gasped as they slowly moved forward from the rear of the 30 metre diameter hemisphere. On either side were wide walkways with banks of controls and instruments and lights of varying colours blinking status of unseen charges. Ahead and seemingly suspended in space, the maglev docked with a slightly downward inclined cantilevered walkway which connected to the wide arc of the seven seat control panel. The two astronauts carefully moved to seats labelled with their names, connected their lap belts and stared out through the huge dome. The view was magnificent.
    Meanwhile Commander AJ had picked up Alison and Steve, who, equally stunned, moved to their positions while AJ took his place in the centre. The arc of the command seats curved outwards and forwards towards the clear dome giving everyone a panoramic view of the outside world.
    ‘Astronauts!’ AJ commanded, ‘Confirm decision to fly to Mars Base.’
    The four astronauts and AJ put their left hands onto the control panel and Zec-C confirmed their identity.
    ‘Setting course for Mars Base.’
    Almost imperceptibly the Moon’s horizon dropped away and LifeSeeker-1 started her relatively low speed journey to Mars. This would only take an incredibly short 14 days.

Chapter 11
    Mars Base
    ‘Mars Base is Project Omega.  It was designed along similar lines to Moon Base and it has five large modules in total – two for fabrication and sub – assembly, one each for utilities and accommodation and a special module.  I had co-ordinated a constant stream of shuttles between Earth, Moon and Mars for the last 20 years. Then I took completed sub – units into Mars orbit to assemble and complete LifeSeeker-1. Now I am continuing the task for the half completed LifeSeeker-2.
    ‘But there is one very unique module on Mars Base and our four astronauts are about to learn a surprising secret.’
    ‘I’d like you to meet Dr Astronaut Martha Baker,’ said AJ introducing the four astronauts by name, ‘Martha runs the cryo – hibernation unit here at Mars Base and she is going to show you around.’
    Martha was in her late 30s with a small neat figure and smooth dark skin encompassing large eyes. She looked very striking in the white hygiene clothing which they had all changed into before entering the air lock.
    The inner door hissed open and AJ and the astronauts followed Martha into the cryo-unit. They had seen many strange sights but this white floor- tiled, white-ceilinged, igloo-shaped room shrieked

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