The Black Planet

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Book: Read The Black Planet for Free Online
Authors: J. W. Murison
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Science Fiction & Fantasy
sweeping the room.  They lingered for a moment on the collar of Howe’s uniform and he suddenly snapped to attention.  Steven moved forward to quickly reaching out with his hand, ‘good afternoon sergeant, my name is.’
    Before Steven could react the man had grabbed Stevens arm and pulled.  Steven found himself in a vice like grip.  The sergeant tore Steven’s sidearm free and pressed it into the side of his head.  He nodded to Howe, ‘you might have the stars of a full bird colonel, but you ain't wearing any damn uniform I recognise sir; now I had better get an explanation quick before I blow this little guys head off.’
    Howe’s eyes turned cold and his own pistol whipped from its holster, ‘let the captain go sergeant.’
    Before the situation could escalate Steven reached up and gripped the sergeant’s pistol arm.  With the precision of a surgeon he pinched a spot on the sergeant’s arm and the arm went limp dropping the pistol; before the soldier could react, Steven had thrown him across the room.  He crashed to a halt against some computer banks. 
    Howe covered the man, ‘don’t move sergeant, it would be a pity for you to have gone through all the shit you obviously have in your life to end up being killed by your rescuers.’
    The sergeant sat up holding his arm.  Steven stooped and picked up his pistol.  Rubbing his throat for a moment he turned his attention to the sergeant, ‘well that wasn’t pleasant.’  He help up his pistol, ‘thing is sergeant, this isn’t a firearm.  Even if you found the safety it was set to stun.  You might have cooked my brain a little but you wouldn’t have blown it out around the room. ‘
    The sergeant rubbed his arm suspiciously finally coming to rest on Howe, ‘I recognise your stars boy, but that ain't no American uniform that I've ever seen.’
    Howe took off his cap and wiped his brow, ‘no I don’t suppose it is sergeant but if you call me boy again I will kick your arse from here into the middle of next week.’
    Steven decided to intervene, ‘sergeant my name is Steven Gordon, I am in command here.  This is a civilian operation however these men are all military men who serve under me as part of my team.  They provide any military expertise and muscle if need be during our exploration.  We would like to know how you got here and the circumstances leading you to be shoved into that chamber there?’
    The sergeant waved his arm a little as the feeling began to return, ‘329714 sergeant Kelly.’
    ‘Ach jist leave the daft bugger,’ suggested Cookie.
    ‘Can it Cookie,’ Howe growled but Cookie just grinned.
    Steven shook his head, ‘this is no good.  Colonel put your weapon down.  No in fact, please hand it to the sergeant.’
    ‘Excuse me sir! Is that wise?’
    ‘Sergeant Kelly here obviously doesn’t trust us.  I bet he has been a soldier so long he feels pretty vulnerable without a weapon in his hands.  I am quite sure that the sergeant is also aware of his own abilities.’
    ‘Sir if he decides to shoot, half of us will be dead before we can kill him.’  Howe interrupted.
    ‘That’s pretty much how I see it colonel and we really don’t have the time, nor do I have the inclination to prattle about playing games.  He will either trust us or he won’t, it is his choice.  Now pass him the bloody weapon.’
    With a frustrated sigh the colonel went over and held out the pistol the 1911 pattern pistol.  The sergeant almost snatched it out of his hand.  He inspected the weapon closely while keeping an eye on the men gathered.  Then he ejected a round and inspected it.  Steven noticed a small smile play on the man’s lips for a second.  He ejected the magazine, flipped out a few rounds and inspected them.  Then he recharged the magazine and replaced it; eased the hammer down and shoved it in his pocket.  ‘Can I keep this for a while sir?’
    Howe frowned, ‘for a little while sergeant but that’s my personnel weapon,

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