The Beginning of the End (Book2): Road to Damnation

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Book: Read The Beginning of the End (Book2): Road to Damnation for Free Online
Authors: Sean Kidd
Tags: Zombies
Daniels had
one thing on his mind, and that was getting back home to Jennifer,
Ty, and Chevy. As worried as he was about them, he still felt an
overwhelming responsibility to take care of the people standing
around him. Bunker and Cooper were grown men, they could take care of
themselves. Come to think of it, Destiny looked like she’d spent
her entire life on the streets. She was probably better off than
Bunker and Cooper.
    Then there was Cecilia.
All Daniels knew about her was that she was very scared, and she was
always clinging to the young man in the room, trying to support him.
Daniels hadn’t heard a word come out of his mouth since they’d
gotten here. Not even a whimper.
    “Hey, what’s your
name, pal?”
    “Who me?” the young
man asked, pointing a finger to his chest.
    “I’m Kaden.”
    “Well, Kaden. How did
you end up here?” Daniels asked.
    “I ran… I ran away
from her.”
    “Whom did you run
away from?” Cooper asked.
    “My mom,” he said
wiping a tear from his eye.
    “Were the two of you
going somewhere on the trains?” asked Daniels.
    Kaden shook his head,
“No, she works here. She’s a soldier in the National Guard. Her
job is to walk around Grand Central Station with other soldiers.
They’ve been doing it since 9/11. She said if any bad stuff goes
down, she’s there to stop it. I come in sometimes to visit her, and
this morning I came because school was canceled. Bored and hungry at
home I decided I wanted a glazed donut and a cup of hot chocolate
from the cafe. Whenever I come to visit her, she buys me one. This
morning when I walked in the main terminal, people were all running
around and screaming. My mom was hunched over some lady, and she
was…was… eating her face. I called out to her, and she chased me
up the Northwest Passage. You know, the door by the elevators?
Anyway, she was covered in blood, and something happened to her eyes.
They were spinning blue. I thought that was weird because they’re
usually dark brown. I ran away as fast as I could, but she still
caught me. She was trying to bite my legs. Then a soldier I’d never
seen before shot her in the head, and she died. After he shot her, he
told me to come to him, but I ran away. That’s when I found Ceci.
That’s what Cecilia told me to call her. She told me we needed to
hide out until things were safe. We found this empty room and then
you guys showed up a few minutes later.”
    Daniels paused for a
moment, “You said this all happened in the Northwest Passage?”
    “Yes. Why?” Kaden
    “That gives me an
idea,” Daniels said aloud, “Destiny can you get Bunker and me to
the Northwest Passage?”
    “Now, honey. Hadn’t
you been listenin’ to what I’ve been tellin’ ya. I said, and
allow me to reiterate, I know this place like the back of my ass. The
stairs you be lookin’ for ain’t but two or three minutes from
here. Why you so hot and heavy about them stairs anyway?”
    “Because, Destiny my
love, there’s a soldier in that stairwell armed with an M4 and I’ll
be willing to bet she’s armed with a sidearm too. If we have any
chance of getting out of this building alive, we’ll need to find
those weapons first. Do you feel like going on a little field trip,
    “Well, Corporal sexy,
you know I do.”
    Daniels didn’t need
to see his cheeks to know he was blushing. He gave Kaden a few pats
on the head, “You may have just saved our lives, pal. You stay here
with Cecilia, and we’ll be back in ten minutes. Then I will get us
out of here. All of us.”
    Daniels extended a
hand, helping Destiny off the floor, while asking Bunker, “You feel
like going for a walk?”
    “Hell, Corp. You know
I do.”

Chapter 9
    The power must have
been out in the mall for days. The deeper we went, the worse the
smell got. Not to mention, the unseasonably warm October days had
left the inside of this place hovering above ninety degrees. It was
like a greenhouse in here with the decorative

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