The Bear's Mate

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Book: Read The Bear's Mate for Free Online
Authors: Vanessa Devereaux
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, Paranormal, Romantic Erotica
missing, that would be appreciated. Some of them take stuff to
sell and use the money for more drugs.”
nodded. She walked back into the supply room and kitchen. A cold draft drifted
her way, and she could see whoever had robbed the clinic had smashed the store
room window. She looked around but couldn’t see anything else missing or maybe
it was, and she was just too tired to notice right now.
looks like they took just the drugs.”
nodded. “If you do come across anything else, here’s my card.”
took it and slipped it into her raincoat pocket.
think you’ll catch them?” she asked.
shook his head. “Doubtful, but then again the person may not get so lucky at
the next clinic they hit.”
whisked the eggs, while hearing Christopher finely moving around in the
bedroom. He’d decided to stop by and make him breakfast.
morning,” said Christopher putting both of his arms in the air and yawning.
hair was ruffled, and he looked like their grandparents used to when they’d
hibernate for the winter and crawl out after months of slumber.
sleep okay?” asked Aiden setting three slices of bacon into the skillet.
like any good bear should,” he said. “My side’s still sore and my dick throbs
when I pee.”
sat down at the table and pulled the newspaper over to his side of the table.
“Did you get the vial of blood?”
put two pieces of bread into the toaster and turned around to face his brother.
He wasn’t going to sugar coat anything.
I broke into the clinic, but it wasn’t there.”
said Christopher running his hands through his hair. “What are we going to do?
What if the doctor’s already run the tests on it?”
raised his hand. “If she’d done that I think we’d know about it now. I’m going
to have to ask her very casually where she took it and then break into another
broke into a lab?”
a lab within the clinic,” said Aiden setting down a platter of bacon, eggs and
toast on the table. He sat and threw a napkin across his lap. He really
shouldn’t have much appetite with all this to worry about, but strangely he was
least she’s very pretty,” said Christopher not wasting time with a plate or fork
and instead eating the bacon from his hands.
    Beautiful would
have been a better term.
I guess it’s no big deal if you have to sleep with her to get the information
out of her.”
the last thing I think I’ll need to do.”
    Although the thought had crossed his
mind, not once, not twice, but all night. Not the bit about getting the
information from her, but the taking her to his bed part. Strange
how it was a human that was stirring up his libido close to the mating season,
and not one of his own.
if you need any help just let me know.”
came back to earth with Christopher’s words.
worry. It will be a piece of cake.”
      “I have a big favor to ask you.” Charlotte put
the vial of blood down on the lab countertop.
want me to run that for you?” Maggie spun around on the stool.
you? I’d do it myself, but I overslept and I’m running late. There was a break
in at the clinic, and I was there until about 2:00 a.m. I drank so much coffee
before I got there that by the time I got back to bed I was climbing the walls.
I finally fell asleep around 6:00 a.m. and was so dead to the world I didn’t
even hear my alarm go off.”
    “Shitty night by the sound of it. Anything taken
from the clinic?” asked Maggie sliding her glasses from her face up onto the
top of her head.
usual thing, drugs. So how long do you think before you can run that vial?”
just want the usual CBC panel or what?”
lifted the vial. “I’m not quite sure yet. Anything look strange about this
sample?” She handed it to Maggie who then lifted it up to the

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