The Baby of Their Dreams (Contemporary Medical Romance)
    She’d think about that later. Right now she was concentrating on him as his tongue met with her ear and she just about came in midair at the thought of him inside her.
    Her bra was gone. She knew that because his mouth was on her breast as his hands slid her panties down.
    And then she felt herself being lifted.
    Not just onto him, but lifted out herself.
    Out of grief, out of control, out of everything she knew.
    Her shoulders met the wall and then he entered her and filled her, so rapidly and completely that it hurt enough to shout.
    ‘Yes,’ he said, and his mouth moved under her hair and his fingers met the back of her neck as he ground into her.
    Cat wasn’t used to being so thoroughly taken. A bit of foreplay might have been nice, but then she’d never been so close to coming in her life.
    She was thoroughly rattled in the nicest of ways. He just kept thrusting in and she held on to her own hands behind his neck and then of her own accord was grinding down.
    It felt amazing.
    Just that.
    It felt so amazing that he knew, more than she did herself, about what she liked.
    Oh, she liked it rough.
    She liked the intensity of him and the deep, rapid thrusts and the way he stopped kissing her and stared her down.
    He felt the tension and thank God for that because he was past consideration. He could feel the clamp of her thighs around him and the heat of her centre and had moved to the point of no return just as she started to pulse.
    He loved orgasms, he met them regularly, but there was something so intense about hers, something so intrinsically matched to his, that she drove him on to more.
    To get back to her mouth and rougher kisses and deeper thrusts and then he felt it, the slight collapse of her spinal column and the slump of her shoulders as she rested her head on his and he knew she was smiling.
    Even as he shot the last of himself into her, he knew she was smiling and somehow that made him smile too.
    No guilt, no regret, they met each other’s eyes and kissed again but without haste this time.
    Then he took her to bed and they lay there a moment before she was back to his mouth, down to his hips, and they did it all over again.
    And again.

    D ESPITE HAVING SLEPT for all of an hour, Dominic woke before sunrise.
    Just as he always did.
    Even if he went back to sleep afterwards, his body clock still dictated that he watch the sun come in.
    He glanced at the clock and it was just after four and he knew where he needed to be.
    Where they needed to be.
    ‘Cat,’ he said. ‘Cat...’ He watched her slowly stretch like her namesake. ‘Get dressed...’
    She could have, given the circumstances, assumed her use-by date had expired and she was being thrown out, but he gave her a kiss to awaken her and told her to hurry as he picked up the phone.
    Her Spanish was...well, it wasn’t, but she knew the word ‘coffee’ when she heard it in any language.
    ‘Where are we going?’ she asked as, doing up her espadrilles in the elevator, they made their way down.
    ‘You need to see more of this city.’
    ‘At 4:30 a.m.?’
    ‘We could do it tomorrow if you’d stay another night.’
    He hoped she would stay another night but they both knew that that wasn’t happening.
    Cat blinked as the doorman handed them two take-out coffees and Dominic took her hand and they walked to a car.
    ‘You’ve hired a car.’
    He didn’t answer and when she got in she realised that it wasn’t a hire car because there were coffee cups and papers and it looked pretty much like the inside of hers.
    ‘Just how long are you here for?’ she started to ask.
    ‘Ask no questions,’ he said.
    Yes, she reminded herself, that was what they were about—fun, freedom...
    And yet he intrigued her.
    He spoke Spanish and he drove like a local through the dim city streets and she drank her coffee and tried to get her brain into gear.
    ‘Come on.’ He parked the car and took her hand and she was happy to just go with the

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