The Autobiography of a Flea

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Book: Read The Autobiography of a Flea for Free Online
Authors: Stanislas de Rhodes
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, Classics
thick lips, " Push me—push up me harder. Oh, how it forces me open—how large it is! How hot—how—oh my—oh! "

And down came a shower from Bella's storehouse, in response to the strong thrusts received, while her head fell back and her mouth opened in the spasms of coition.

The priest restrained himself, he paused an instant, the throbbing of his long member sufficiently announced his condition; he wished to prolong his pleasure to the utmost.

Bella squeezed the terrible shaft in her innermost person, and felt it grow harder and even stiffer while its purple head pressed up to her young womb.

Almost immediately afterwards her unwieldy lover, un-able to prolong his pleasure, succumbed to the intensest of keen and all pervading sensation of glutinous fluid.

" Oh, it is coming from you, " cried the excited girl. " I feel it in gushes. Oh! give it me—more—more—-pour it into me—push harder; do not spare me! Oh, another gush! Push—tear me if you like—but let me have all your spunk. '' I have before spoken of the quantity Father Ambrose possessed the power of discharging, and he now surpassed himself. He had been bottled up for nearly a week, and Bella now received such a tremendous stream of his nature that his discharge more resembled the action of a syringe than the outpouring from the genitals of man.

At last Ambrose dismounted, and Bella on standing once more upon her feet, felt a clinging slippery stream trickling slowly down her plump thighs.

Hardly had the Father withdrawn than the door leading into the church opened, and, behold, two other priests presented themselves within its portal. Concealment was of course impossible.

" Ambrose, " exclaimed the elder of the two, a man apparently between thirty and forty years old, " this is against our rules and privileges, which enact that all such game shall be in common. "

" Take it then, " growled the person addressed. " It is not too late—I was going to tell you of what I had got, only— " " Only the delicious temptation of this young mossrose was too much for you, my friend! " exclaimed the other, seizing, as he spoke, upon the astonished Bella, and forc-ing his large hand up her clothes to her soft thighs.

" I saw it all through the keyhole, " whispered the brute in her ear. " You need not be frightened, we shall only treat you the same, my dear. "

Bella remembered the conditions of her admittance to the solace of the church, and supposed this was only a part of her new duties. She therefore rested unresistingly in the arms of the two new comers.

Meanwhile his companion had passed his strong arm around Bella's waist, and covered her delicate cheek with kisses.

Ambrose looked stupid and confounded.

The young lady thus found herself between two fires, to say nothing of the smouldering passion of her original possessor. In vain she looked from one to the other for some respite, some means of extrication from her predic-ament.

For, be it known, that although she fully resigned her-self to the position into which the cunning of Father Am-brose had consigned her, a bodily feeling of weakness and fear of the new assailants nearly overcame her.

Bella read nothing but lust and raging desire in the looks of the new-comers, while the non-resistance of Ambrose disarmed all thought of defence on her own part.

The two men had now got her between them, and while the first speaker had pushed his hand as far as her rosy slit, the other lost no time in possessing himself of the well-rounded cheeks of her plump buttocks.

Between them Bella was powerless to resist.

" Stay a moment, " at length suggested Ambrose, " if you are in earnest to enjoy her, at least undress without tearing her clothes to pieces, as you both seemed inclined to do. "

" Strip, Bella, " continued he, " we must all share you, it seems; so prepare to become the willing instrument of our united pleasures. "

" Our convent contains others no less exigent than myself, and your office will

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