The Apprentice Starship Engineer: Book One The Link

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Book: Read The Apprentice Starship Engineer: Book One The Link for Free Online
Authors: Daniel Hanks
can’t be right. You’ve been an apprentice for only three months,” she said.
    “Well, I just finished the course work and thought I should take the test while it was fresh in my mind.”
    Jack leaned against a test bench. “You finished your first year in three months?” he asked.
    “Ah, yeah. It’s review. My dad’s been teaching me the basics for the last ten years. He used to be a professor, so it’s just natural for him to teach, and I was the only one around.”
    They were both staring at me. Kathy turned to Jack. “Well, he can challenge it, but he has to pass with a ninety percent or better.” She turned to me, scowling. “If you don’t hit that, you’ll have to wait a full year to try again. Do you still want to test now?”
    “Well, if I pass I’ll get second-year pay, right?”
    “Yeah, you’ll step up a grade if you pass. You’re scheduled for tomorrow. I shouldn’t help you. It might do you good to fail. Still we have a study guide and can give you a week to prepare for the test. Would you like to reschedule?”
    “No, I know the material. Thanks, tomorrow’s fine.”
    She stepped forward. I thought she was going to hit me. “Very well. I’ll see you tomorrow in the testing center. No electronic devices are allowed. I’ll supply you with a calculator, and will watch you. Don’t even try to cheat,” she growled. She turned on her heels and walked out, leaving us both stunned and quiet.
    “You ready for that test?” Jack asked.
    “Yeah, I hit a hundred on the pretest last night.”
    “Figures. Good luck.”
    “I was going to start showing you the reactor tomorrow, but seeing as you’ll be testing, let’s start the day after.”
    Bob entered the shop. “What happened to Kathy? She didn’t even say hi to me. Just passed by, talking to herself.”
    “Ah, she’ll be all right. Drake just asked to challenge his first-year test. Kathy wants to protect everyone. She’ll be fine after he passes tomorrow,” Jack said with a laugh.
    Bob looked confused. “What? You’re testing? Shit, that’s quick. You ready?”
    “Yeah, I’m ready.” Everyone’s surprise caused me to start wondering if I was as ready as I thought.
    “Cool. You get a raise if you pass, don’t you? I have a bottle. Let’s have a drink tomorrow after you pass that test. You’ll be fine.”
    “How’s that damper doing, kid?” Jack asked.
    I glanced at the display. The controller was right on set point. “Looks good,” I said.
    Jack nodded. “Okay, let’s take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow we’ll drink ourselves sick.”
    I closed down the terminal. I’d decided not to study anymore tonight. It was a good time to take a walk, watch a video, then hit the gym. It was strange leaving the shop with no particular place to go. I’d been rushing around so much I had to force myself to saunter down the hallway.
    I stopped at a lounge where a man played the sax. Watching a live performance was always nice, so I stayed and enjoyed it for a few hours. It always amazed me that people could be so talented.
    Thinking of home, I pulled out Margret and wrote a few lines to Mom and Dad. This was the first time I’d felt homesick. I sent another note to them, telling them about the test tomorrow.
    “I can’t change it,” Jenny said, taking a seat across from me. Another girl sat at her side. “Sorry, I never thought he’d be kicked off. I was so pissed at Mitch.”
    Jenny was a pretty blonde girl. “Oh, you mean Margret. She’s great,” I said with a smile. Jenny’s forehead furrowed. I continued, “Margret is fun. She makes me laugh. She’s the best assistant I could hope for. Whatever you did to her, thanks.”
    “Drake, that was such a sweet thing to say.” Margret purred. Both Jenny and her friend flinched, and a spot of color came to Jenny’s face.
    I reached across the table. “No worries, Jenny. Let’s be friends,” I said. She took my hand with her mouth hanging open.

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