The Accidental Mistress
his mouth. She was a quick study.
    Zuri nibbled kisses along his jaw.
Christophe inserted another finger, pinched her clit simultaneously
and she yelped. He chuckled deep in his throat. Zuri’s eyes rolled
as she threw her arms around his neck and came with his hand
between her legs and her knees spread apart on the mattress. It was
her very first climax without the use of her own hand. It had such
a dizzying effect on her that she bit into his shoulder.
    When he suddenly released her, Zuri fell
back panting, rolling to her side, her hips and vagina quaking. She
pulled down several jerky breaths as she reclaimed control of her
    Christophe straightened her out. She was
positioned awkwardly with one leg bent and kicked out behind her
and the other pushed up to her knee. He fell on her and applied
soft sucks and kisses to her neck. She wanted the next phase to
commence immediately. So she reached between them and undid the
belt buckle that was painfully pressed into her abdomen. He flicked
his tongue at her ear and she giggled. It tickled. He dipped his
tongue in the canal of her ear and she exhaled a pleasured sigh.
Zuri lowered the zipper to his trousers, and her fingers came in
contact with his pubic hair. It was coarse and wiry to the touch.
She wanted to see his penis, measure the length as most women did
and understand what would soon break the barrier that no man had
breached before. But he stopped. His head lifted and those groomed
locks, smoothed back from his face, covered his brow. His eyes held
such a wild primal hunger in them it caught her breath. A slither
of excitement crept over her.
    "You're exquisite," he breathed. Zuri smiled
shyly up at him. She felt exquisite, so much so she gently moved
her hips with him pressed so firmly between her legs.
    "Touch your self for me," he ordered, then
lifted off to watch. Her hand froze over her sex.
    Was he serious? He arched a brow at her hesitation and lifted his
gaze to capture hers. He was!
    Zuri parted the lips to her vagina and
touched herself as she had done in secret. He smiled, watching. His
eyes gleamed wickedly, delighted. He stood.
    "How does it feel, beautiful?" he asked.
    "Suis bien," she exhaled.
    Christophe pulled off his shirt. Zuri's gaze
devoured his firm muscled chest. A sprinkle of dark hair thinned
over a taut mouth-watering six-pack and arrowed down to his groin.
His trousers did little to conceal the strength of his arousal. As
he stepped out of his pants that had dropped to his ankles, and
tugged down his silk boxers, her breath caught at the unveiling of
his erection. Her gaze slowly lifted back to his and fear crept in
over her fool-hearted desire.
    This would be her first time and she had
chosen a man with a python in his pants. He turned and went to the
box of condoms so she could get a good look at the muscles packed
in his broad back and perfectly shaped butt cheeks. How could he be
so perfectly put together? She knew the male anatomy by heart, and
nothing compared to the specimen before her.
    "So you prefer magnums?" he cast her a look
over his shoulder.
    "My sister gave those to me as a gag gift I
told you," she said and wished it didn't sound like a whine. Even
worst, from the way his eyes hardened and his brows dipped, she
suspected he didn't believe her. That hurt her feelings.
    Should she warn him now that she wanted to
go slow? Really slow! She scooted back into the pillows and
instinctively covered her breasts. It didn't matter. He turned on
her and honed in on the nest of curls covering her sex. She trimmed
the hairs, but never shaved. She just didn't see the need. He
moistened his lips. She wondered if this too was a turn on for
    "You are so sexy and a lady. I like
    He called me a
lady? If only he knew how un-lady like she
wanted to be. Zuri looked down at her womanly figure that had
developed early. She studied as he did, her thick hips and shapely
thighs, her taut stomach and petite waistline. She was indeed

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